Ideas/Requested Dream Avatars
Ok...The reason why I created this, was because I wanted to express my ideas and creativity, and give ideas to others, if they happen to look.
Meh...Please don't criticize me of the names I give the avatars. =P
Named::: Random creations. Based on ideas for color scheme. I don't care about the price. =P
Unnamed::: Requested, within requester's desired price range.
I don't list these in any particular order, except for the male, female, and cosplay sections. =P
Ok...The reason why I created this, was because I wanted to express my ideas and creativity, and give ideas to others, if they happen to look.
Meh...Please don't criticize me of the names I give the avatars. =P
Named::: Random creations. Based on ideas for color scheme. I don't care about the price. =P
Unnamed::: Requested, within requester's desired price range.
I don't list these in any particular order, except for the male, female, and cosplay sections. =P

My own dreamie, of which is my current among my others. One of my favorite creations.

Also my dreamie, which I plan to go after, after I'm done with my current. This is my favorite creation. =D

My first ever personal dreamie, created back in 2006, though I've added/deleted items. Not exactly one of my favorites, but I still want to be able to complete this one someday.

Another one of my dreamies, also one of my favorite creations.


This is definitely my favorite female creation.

I love this one. =3

One of my favorite creations.

I thought this one turned out really awesome, and I love it. =D

The belt is supposed to be white, I know...but it wouldn't show up in tektek. So...Have some imagination.

Blood +


Kingdom Hearts: