"The D's more suductive".....yes....thats just wat my bestestestestestestestest friend just said to me and to wat to say to that i have one thing..."DINGLE-BERRY!!!!" ps to all u ppl out there the sea bear is gonna eat your face....so ya....since the disclaimer is over...ur probably thinking....WTF?! well ya.....i kno im sidekick like that ..."Weazel!"....so i guess we got to go cuz we have to go make the dog go potty....ew hes going to make dingle-berries!!!!....so now were talking about his very very sm...nvm >.<......NO U PERVS WERE TALKING ABOUT HIS BRAIN OF COURSE!!!!....so now thorns making what sounds like a moose's mating call.......it goes like this "UGH!" and shes trying to talk like one of those creepy baby dolls who like dont blink unless u shake their head....now shes gonna give me nightmares with the scarry faces she making.....and shes laughing esterically and she feels like she gonna pee in her pants XD........."OMG THORN GET THE WEAZEL!" *screaming* "KILL IT THORN KILL IT!!!"
*lays on the table and sings the ABC's in German* "Hehehehehehe. I gots CHOCOLATE MOOOOO JUICE!!! IN ENGLISH THATS CHOCOLATE MILK!!!" xp
*hits thorn on the head with a frying pan* "....thats for u jake...." twisted *talks to self* "Buenas noches, senorita Isabella!!! Como es tas?"Muy bien! picante el pie pintar el pastel el paso!!!! EL PAYASO!!!!gonk *runs off, arms flailing behind*