Name: Constel Landier
Age: Unknown, seems between Twenty and Thirty
Height: 6'3"
Sexuality: Hetero (Straight)
Marital Status: Single
Specialty : Weaponry, Types of combat, varied by environment, and the opponent.
Race: Mixture of some sort of Demon, hollowed Spirit warrior (Made up), Assassin Cross, and hallow Shadow (Made up). Basically, he's just dark.
Status of Alliance: Unknown.
Current Status of Mentallity: Smart, but criminally insane.
Other: He has a semi-Irish, semi-British accent. (Sean Connery, ftw!)
Katana: Standard, Regular Katana. He caries only one. Rarely uses.
Ballistic Knife: A knife, usually used by the Spetznaz, that can be used for the regular use of the knife. Can also discharge the blade, by a spring within the handle, can reach up to Twenty feet (20 FT). He has six of these knives in his boots, in case he had no other choice of combat.
Roman Cestus: An ancient battle glove, sometimes used in pankration. In effect, it is the classic world's equivalent to brass knuckles. It is the original prototype of the soon-to-be patented boxing glove. The original construction of the glove used to be for knock outs, but the type Constel has is the more deadly one. By adding metal parts, including spikes, studs, and iron plates. The other known names of this deadly weapon are the myrmex or "limb-piercer". He wears one for each hand.
Whip: An ordinary whip, made of leather. He has many in an area, known to no one, but to those he trusts, meaning rarely anyone.
"Tooth Pick": An ice pick hidden in his mouth, 3 inches long, and is concealed inside of his gums, the bottom/handle of the ice pick is an adult tooth, giving it the name "Tooth Pick". The handle is a molar tooth. He has four (4) of these inside of his mouth.
Joy buzzer: A modified toy joy buzzer he wears on both of his ring fingers. a reference to Batman's The Joker, he uses it occasionally, only when he has been pinned down. The top of the joy buzzer is a small ruby, as the buttom is the actual weapon.
Bio: Born into the type of family that has traveled constantly, Constel had learned about many things, including his fighting techniques. Other places, he had soon began picking up habits, such as, smoking cigars, controlled alcoholism, lecturing the fighting technique to people that can not physically lay a finger on him for more than a minute, and others, soon to be discovered later in a roleplay.
(NOTE: He is a likely candidate of being a Sean Connery impersonation, with the lectures and all.)
(NOTE # 2 : He also has an alternative suit he uses for combat, shown below. )