Name: Deminio Alfred Truvine
Nickname: Dem
Age: 20
Gender: Males
Birth Date: October 17th
Birth Place: A planet called Ifousu.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 189lbs.
Body Type: Thin and lean with slight muscles, but not bulging and overly done so.
Race/Species: Incubus
Face: His face is still and slightly pointed at the chin but rounded at the forehead. His nose is normal size, however, which looks disproportional but sexy in it's own way.
Eye Color: Very light hazel, but it changes from time to time.
Hair Color and Style: Dem's hair is basic. It's a dull gray color and falls over his face in a flared, uneven bowl cut. The back is longer than the front and his bangs flip over his eyes.
Distinguishing Features: Pretty much his always-missing shirt.
Parents: Star Cloud and Moon Light Truvine
Siblings: An older brother named Gabrien.
Other family: A cousin named Aricala.
Pets: He can't really have pets.
Temperament: It's extremelly easy to make Deminio angry. He avoids people so he won't explode and kill them for saying something stupid.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage: He fights. Whoever or whatever is creating the problem, he eliminates it.
Admirable Traits: Most men are jealous of the fact that Dem can get any woman he wants, and treats her with the best of care.
Negative Traits: He usually has sex with and kills off any woman he gets when he's bored. He's also very racist.
Bad Habits/Vices: Going to strip clubs and killing off the strippers by sleeping with them. That and smoking.
Skills, Abilities and Talents: Dem can do most of what he puts his mind to. He can cook extremelly well, which he doesn't tell people.
Fears: Being loved or losing his love.
Dislikes: Men, food, love, and anything else that resembles happiness or bright things.
Interests: Fighting, death, music, and shiney things such as diamonds/other gems.
Favorite Pastimes: Nothing is better than slaughtering a woman as he sleeps with her in the middle of town.
Occupation: Slave Owner and Assassin
Favorite Food: A triple-decker sandwich with everything on it.
Favorite Drink: Coke-cola.
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate.
Least Favorite Drink: Coffee.
Clothing Styles/Favorite Outfit: Dem doesn't like clothes very much, but he usually wears a pair of dark army-green pants that are baggy. He wears no shirt and a small cross on a chain around his neck. He wears a long of spiked bracelets and bangles on his wrists. His boxers are usually showing and he wears normal, worn, blue sneakers.
Favorite Type of Music: Anything. Literally.
Theme Song: Falling In The Black -- Skillet
Speaking Style: He doesn't really talk, but when he does it's really shrewd and blunt.
Sense of Humor: Dark and cruel, often senseless and demented.
Type and Number of Friends: None, really.
Best Friend: Himself?
Other Friends: No one.
Love: There's such a feeling?
Enemies: Most of the human race.
As seen by others: Dem is often accused of being a cruel womanizer.
Philosophy of Life: "If you're afraid to make the jump, you can always get a hang glider."
Most Painful Things in One's Life: Probably being born.
Most Crucial Experience: Running away.
Character History: Dem came from a family from the planet Ifousu with the names of Star and Moon. His family was related to the Royals, whom had given birth to two baby girls about a year after his own birth. His family was rich, but they were never treated as royalty. Exactly the opposite, actually. His parents, thinking he'd become a bad person, moved themselves to Earth to help try and keep his mind sane and make him believe he was human. That lasted for all of two months.
His life was mostly normal until he was about three years old, when he was just learning to walk, and that was also when he started showing his "true colors." He would go around the house and start to destroy things. He even tore apart his toys and created torture scenes with them, making them act as though they were in grave parile. This lasted until he was five, which was when he moved to the backyard. He would attack little furry creatures and kill them. Better yet, he would sometimes make a female creature fall for him, then he'd kill it not long after.
When Dem was eight years old, the -real- trouble started. He thought he was independant enough to wander the streets by himself. He got into fights several times by people much bigger than him since he was like a four-foot twig. Every so often he'd get his butt kicked, but that was primarily because he used his powers to make older girls fall for him and he'd sleep with them to kill them, then gangs would find out and beat him up. It wasn't his smartest idea, but he was proud to say that he could strike some humans at their weakest points: Their hearts.
For years he put up with beatings and people breaking into his house and near-death experiences. The doctors at the hospital even learned his name and most about him from how many times he'd been sent there. He lasted until he was eleven years-old, then things got serious. He started to work out heavily until his small arms had become huge muscles and he could easily take someone out. He was so very proud of himself. Only he let his strength go to his head.
It was on June 13th that Dem decided to earn his respect back. He went on a literal murder spree. He killed people left and right, including the people who'd abused him for so long. He didn't show mercy on anyone, not even the police. And it took less than a week for people to fear him. They bowed at his feet as he walked the streets and he'd tear their throats out if he didn't. His parents suffered. They didn't want their son as a murderer. They didn't want to be feared because of him. And that hurt his small, black heart.
It took three years before they'd finally discovered what his one weakness was. Music. At the age of fifteen and one-fourth, he was found under a tree with a small radio and headphones. The volume was up all the way but he was quietly snoozing next to it, almost curled up to it. Finally, his raids were put to an end. He was ordered by law to have on headphones that never turned off and were made of technology years ahead of the current time. He obeyed so he would make his parents happy.
It didn't last long, however. At age sixteen, Dem fled. He ran away from his home. He took his headphones, of course, but he ran away as fast and as far as he could. He was going to make them proud of him one way or another, without the headphones. But they became a part of him. He couldn't take them off, forcing him to learn how to read lips. He stopped talking all together since he couldn't hear what he was saying nor could he think about it. He was defenseless.
Dem was ashamed, however, that he never found love. He lives in peaceful hiding as an assassin, which was how he continues to live a life of riches and spoils.
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Death Upon A Broken Kiss...
A kiss upon thy velvet lips...
A kiss to those who've lost their wish...
A kiss of truth to those of lies...
A poison kiss to those who've died...
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