Love you <3
So the past 2 days have been very eventful. First was Saturday the 15th of August 09. Andy was in town, and this happened to be the only day he could hang out. I had never met him but I talked to him on the phone so we could settle a time and place to meet up.
Had school in the morning. Flash class - finished at 11:50AM and turns out. I worked hard that morning to get my midterm done thinking it was due at the end of class. Turns out I was the earliest to get mine done. I was surprised at how successful I was at getting it done. Teacher reckons that I should add more detail and character to it with the extra time. I agree. Not that it's bad, but if I can make it better, thats always a good thing. I will be posting it on facebook.
After class ended, I did stay behind until a few good minutes after 1PM. Walked over to Rusty's work place to make sure what time he was getting off. He'd told me he was working only a short shift. My intention was to head back to school after I found out exactly when he'd be out, but alas, he made that sour sad face and so I stayed. He got out at 5PM
Heading for the bus, we must have walked at least 2 miles in the heat...cause we missed it...twice. Caught the Greenvalley/Pecos northbound to sunset - then took the sunset bus to the Galleria.
We Went Clothes Shopping
Holy F**king god, I love my taste on this man x ox
Most of all, I love having a big adorable dressing doll ^ ^
To make things happier, we ended up coming on that one day that Guess was having a clearance sale. What was worth over 300 USD turned out to be 74 USD.
But Holy Gosh, those beautiful clothes - And so many
I am very satisfied and very proud of his new found fashion
D: I know you've always wanted eet Love !
Then Andy came...amazingly to Russ, he came on time . o.
Veeery cool guy !
He just recently came from a wedding, so he was dressed all metro sexual and awesomely awesome.
His hair....I can see why he is a Hair "Stylist" <3
We made a stop at Rusty's place. Went inside for a while and waited for him to bathe and change clothes. Meanwhile we had nice conversations with his dada bout his past being and all. It was really great, with Andy being there and all as well.
So Russ came out of the shower, wearing the awesome dress shirt he bought with that reaaally nice perfect-fitting adorable princely wubbly vest, and the new black pair of tight jeans <3
x ox *needs picture*
- I don't think I've ever sounded so much like a girly girl at his mention as I have here -
So off we went to Boulder Station to watch District 9.
*Rolls over, has the epic seizure, dies a couple of times* This movie was Facking Epic ! ! ! Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp are just AMAZING
Here, watch this if you liked the film: Alive in Joburg
The 2005 Short film by Blomkamp that was the base of District 9
Anyways, before I start a forever happy rant on that film...
After the movie, it was off to T.G.I Fridays. Must have been past 1AM...so Happy Birthday Rusty !
We ordered our drinks
Rusty - Tokyo Tea
Ruby - Apple Sangria <3
Andy - Sprite (The designated driver)
Phoods was exquisite. Taught Andy to love and crave the Jack Daniel's Sauce
[Start New Rant]
YARRRGLELERWEIOJFR I have been so addicted to Jack Daniel's sauce for a while now. I've lost count to how many times the parents and I have gone on a double date there. It's just sooooo dericious. I could survive off of that. I've tried it with chicken, meat, banana, strawberry, ice cream, it just goes GooooOOOod With EVERYTHING !
[/end rant]
:] It was past 2, almost 3am. Andy dropped me off - it was 3am
Following day - August 16 2009
Happy birthday Again, luff /swt
He came over my place early, spoke with my parents and the awesome guy who's renovating our house, Steve. I woke up like at 1pm x ox
walked into the room and talked a bit more.
At long last, the presents I've been anticipating to get him D:
First was the card of course ^ ^ Cause the Turtles - Happy Together song just totally means that I Love You Moar ! <3
ok ok. First was the 2 volumes of Tales of Destiny Director's Cut [2 recently came out so its an updated collection]
So he was reluctant to unwrap them from the protective clear sticky wrap, but at last did so anyways.
Second I believe was Treasure World - D: Now that we both have a copy, we can start playing . . . no . . .turns out it's not really a game-game Dx
It's a gotta walk around this whole real world to play kinda game game. Imagine The World Ends with You's Mingle Mode, but you have to rely on Mingle Mode to get anywhere. It catches wireless network signals. For every new one, you get to collect stardust - which is the purpose of this game...you only get 1 stardust per network...
Anyways, third must have been the picture. You see that image above all this text?
:] I printed that at school, using a photo printer on photographic paper. D: Instead of just using 4 colors - CYMK, it actually uses over 20 x ox
Holy Smokes, the quality is like No Other ! I will be using this printer lots more. Dx I don't care that it's expensive for just one print out.
Found a really nice frame for it. Wooden frame with a black shiny acrylic finish. Sanded that down so it looked like an old antique black stained frame. Looks really good. He should have it somewhere hanging in his room if anyone ever wishes to see.
Fourth was the family gift. We got him an Intuos 4 Wacom Tablet. Beautiful thing it is. At long last, the boy has no excuses for not drawing and having his arts on computer. With the sensitivity on that thing, I can't fathom the awesomeness that can come out. Though I love my Bamboo, It just can't compare to the sensitivity levels of the Intuos.
Have fun with that, luff.
We headed off for Eminano's place. Picked him up. LoL @ meeting parents though Dx The things mother says...now they have inside jokes on my babyhood. </3
:] We saw District 9 again [insert epic seizure] - wont rant about it again.
Headed off to Claim Jumpers, and had another round of the burning drinks.
Rusty: The Zombie
Ruby: PiƱa Colada - with alcohol this time
So the alcohol tasted like rum. The sweet rum my father uses to spike our delicious eggnog. I actually really liked it. Usually I would take mine virgin...cause I was underage before, but mostly because of how delicious it is without alcohol. So I asked the waiter to be light on the alcohol. And it was just EPIC to my taste buds. *will have again* *and again* *and again* *and again*
D: I am not an alcoholic !
:] Headed to my place. Mom gave Eminano the tour of the new renovated house. I found my old El Cid Rapier (it's really a saber) D: and my awesomly awesome Reno's Electro Mag Rod. Pity I deleted it off my DA while it was in it's prime. PVC needs re-painting and cleaning. D; and it lost its cap. Gotta find it. Sassy thing won me third place at NYC's first year comic con. Prize was a YuYu Hakusho DVD. Nothing big. It was just nice to see the judges admire the prop.
Found my pritty Chinese shoes too - will go soo well with those beach pants and this one shirt I bought in Vegas's China town. D: Must try on ! ! !
So off we went again, to Rusty's place. Met up with Josh and Bailey. xD Rocked out on Rock Band with them all and Ryan as well. Called our band Shocking Babies.
I was happy to see Bailey enjoying herself as well playing the drums and some Bass guitar goodness. I had a good time as well, and more importantly, Rusty did too.
Knowing that made it a successful birthday for him. We should have more days like this though. Real good stuff.
Josh and Bailey dropped me off...must have been way past 2AM...yet another late night. I haven't had those since spending time with my older cousins back @ NYC.
Miss them so much.
:] So with that, I conclude the long arse frikken journal I just wrote...
D: This is why drawing is better !

Love you <3
So the past 2 days have been very eventful. First was Saturday the 15th of August 09. Andy was in town, and this happened to be the only day he could hang out. I had never met him but I talked to him on the phone so we could settle a time and place to meet up.
Had school in the morning. Flash class - finished at 11:50AM and turns out. I worked hard that morning to get my midterm done thinking it was due at the end of class. Turns out I was the earliest to get mine done. I was surprised at how successful I was at getting it done. Teacher reckons that I should add more detail and character to it with the extra time. I agree. Not that it's bad, but if I can make it better, thats always a good thing. I will be posting it on facebook.
After class ended, I did stay behind until a few good minutes after 1PM. Walked over to Rusty's work place to make sure what time he was getting off. He'd told me he was working only a short shift. My intention was to head back to school after I found out exactly when he'd be out, but alas, he made that sour sad face and so I stayed. He got out at 5PM
Heading for the bus, we must have walked at least 2 miles in the heat...cause we missed it...twice. Caught the Greenvalley/Pecos northbound to sunset - then took the sunset bus to the Galleria.
We Went Clothes Shopping
Holy F**king god, I love my taste on this man x ox
Most of all, I love having a big adorable dressing doll ^ ^
To make things happier, we ended up coming on that one day that Guess was having a clearance sale. What was worth over 300 USD turned out to be 74 USD.
But Holy Gosh, those beautiful clothes - And so many
I am very satisfied and very proud of his new found fashion
D: I know you've always wanted eet Love !
Then Andy came...amazingly to Russ, he came on time . o.
Veeery cool guy !
He just recently came from a wedding, so he was dressed all metro sexual and awesomely awesome.
His hair....I can see why he is a Hair "Stylist" <3
We made a stop at Rusty's place. Went inside for a while and waited for him to bathe and change clothes. Meanwhile we had nice conversations with his dada bout his past being and all. It was really great, with Andy being there and all as well.
So Russ came out of the shower, wearing the awesome dress shirt he bought with that reaaally nice perfect-fitting adorable princely wubbly vest, and the new black pair of tight jeans <3
x ox *needs picture*
- I don't think I've ever sounded so much like a girly girl at his mention as I have here -
So off we went to Boulder Station to watch District 9.
*Rolls over, has the epic seizure, dies a couple of times* This movie was Facking Epic ! ! ! Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp are just AMAZING
Here, watch this if you liked the film: Alive in Joburg
The 2005 Short film by Blomkamp that was the base of District 9
Anyways, before I start a forever happy rant on that film...
After the movie, it was off to T.G.I Fridays. Must have been past 1AM...so Happy Birthday Rusty !
We ordered our drinks
Rusty - Tokyo Tea
Ruby - Apple Sangria <3
Andy - Sprite (The designated driver)
Phoods was exquisite. Taught Andy to love and crave the Jack Daniel's Sauce
[Start New Rant]
YARRRGLELERWEIOJFR I have been so addicted to Jack Daniel's sauce for a while now. I've lost count to how many times the parents and I have gone on a double date there. It's just sooooo dericious. I could survive off of that. I've tried it with chicken, meat, banana, strawberry, ice cream, it just goes GooooOOOod With EVERYTHING !
[/end rant]
:] It was past 2, almost 3am. Andy dropped me off - it was 3am
Following day - August 16 2009
Happy birthday Again, luff /swt
He came over my place early, spoke with my parents and the awesome guy who's renovating our house, Steve. I woke up like at 1pm x ox
walked into the room and talked a bit more.
At long last, the presents I've been anticipating to get him D:
First was the card of course ^ ^ Cause the Turtles - Happy Together song just totally means that I Love You Moar ! <3
ok ok. First was the 2 volumes of Tales of Destiny Director's Cut [2 recently came out so its an updated collection]
So he was reluctant to unwrap them from the protective clear sticky wrap, but at last did so anyways.
Second I believe was Treasure World - D: Now that we both have a copy, we can start playing . . . no . . .turns out it's not really a game-game Dx
It's a gotta walk around this whole real world to play kinda game game. Imagine The World Ends with You's Mingle Mode, but you have to rely on Mingle Mode to get anywhere. It catches wireless network signals. For every new one, you get to collect stardust - which is the purpose of this game...you only get 1 stardust per network...
Anyways, third must have been the picture. You see that image above all this text?
:] I printed that at school, using a photo printer on photographic paper. D: Instead of just using 4 colors - CYMK, it actually uses over 20 x ox
Holy Smokes, the quality is like No Other ! I will be using this printer lots more. Dx I don't care that it's expensive for just one print out.
Found a really nice frame for it. Wooden frame with a black shiny acrylic finish. Sanded that down so it looked like an old antique black stained frame. Looks really good. He should have it somewhere hanging in his room if anyone ever wishes to see.
Fourth was the family gift. We got him an Intuos 4 Wacom Tablet. Beautiful thing it is. At long last, the boy has no excuses for not drawing and having his arts on computer. With the sensitivity on that thing, I can't fathom the awesomeness that can come out. Though I love my Bamboo, It just can't compare to the sensitivity levels of the Intuos.
Have fun with that, luff.
We headed off for Eminano's place. Picked him up. LoL @ meeting parents though Dx The things mother says...now they have inside jokes on my babyhood. </3
:] We saw District 9 again [insert epic seizure] - wont rant about it again.
Headed off to Claim Jumpers, and had another round of the burning drinks.
Rusty: The Zombie
Ruby: PiƱa Colada - with alcohol this time
So the alcohol tasted like rum. The sweet rum my father uses to spike our delicious eggnog. I actually really liked it. Usually I would take mine virgin...cause I was underage before, but mostly because of how delicious it is without alcohol. So I asked the waiter to be light on the alcohol. And it was just EPIC to my taste buds. *will have again* *and again* *and again* *and again*
D: I am not an alcoholic !
:] Headed to my place. Mom gave Eminano the tour of the new renovated house. I found my old El Cid Rapier (it's really a saber) D: and my awesomly awesome Reno's Electro Mag Rod. Pity I deleted it off my DA while it was in it's prime. PVC needs re-painting and cleaning. D; and it lost its cap. Gotta find it. Sassy thing won me third place at NYC's first year comic con. Prize was a YuYu Hakusho DVD. Nothing big. It was just nice to see the judges admire the prop.
Found my pritty Chinese shoes too - will go soo well with those beach pants and this one shirt I bought in Vegas's China town. D: Must try on ! ! !
So off we went again, to Rusty's place. Met up with Josh and Bailey. xD Rocked out on Rock Band with them all and Ryan as well. Called our band Shocking Babies.
I was happy to see Bailey enjoying herself as well playing the drums and some Bass guitar goodness. I had a good time as well, and more importantly, Rusty did too.
Knowing that made it a successful birthday for him. We should have more days like this though. Real good stuff.
Josh and Bailey dropped me off...must have been way past 2AM...yet another late night. I haven't had those since spending time with my older cousins back @ NYC.
Miss them so much.
:] So with that, I conclude the long arse frikken journal I just wrote...
D: This is why drawing is better !