Hey you guys! its Rozie10000, and some of you may nawt kno, but, Katara's mom kicked her off of Gaia. sad BUT! I am taking care of her account, and I will text her any messages (she is my BFF in real life, so I have her #) that you send. OR you could ask me 2 be friends, and we could chat about how much we miss her on Gaia, or you could message me to let me know what you want me to say to her, coming from you. It could be, "Hey." or, "WTF? Why did your idiot mom kick you off?!?!?!?" or, for ItaItachi, "OMG! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I MISS YOU!!!" hehe. ^_^ okay, well that is about it...
heart heart heart - Rozie10000
emo We all miss her...
Skyler_Uchiha_Raine Community Member |