||Crafted in His glorious likeness||
||I waded through darkness, to be baptized in light||
||Like me, you will live; love||
||Like me, you will die||
||Do not weep, for to live is to be loved||
||I waded through darkness, to be baptized in light||
||Like me, you will live; love||
||Like me, you will die||
||Do not weep, for to live is to be loved||
In your eyes. What do you see?
The gems in my eyes remain this color: The most pristine, serene of blues.
My hair flows to a radiance of: Gold, dusted by the sun and the dirt
Am I short or am I tall, well: 5' 11"
Oh god, I am fat: 169 lbs
My hair flows to a radiance of: Gold, dusted by the sun and the dirt
Am I short or am I tall, well: 5' 11"
Oh god, I am fat: 169 lbs
Behold a show, a show of learning. This is me.
I forgot to mention, I am the one and only:
השיר העדין של צדק
Just call me Calvin
I have this many years on me:
This body's seen 20 years, but my soul's a little older.
With this many months in between:
I showed up on New Year's Eve.
Me and my bod say that I am a: Man
Who really likes: Women... I think.
You still don't know heh? My roll in this tale is that I am:
A newborn Seraph; an angel of justice
My book begins here
I... don't really remember. Well, maybe I do. I was a man, once. My name was Calvin, as it is now... I was kind. I remember that. I tried to help my neighbors and love the world with all of my heart. I think I did, too. I see smiles in my faded mortal memories, and this warm feeling in my heart. That was always there; it felt so marvelous... but I didn't dwell much on God. It, He, She... seemed so far away that it was silly to turn my eyes away from all of the sadness here to admire that "light in the sky." I did, though. Since I loved the Earth and everyone on it, I guess I loved Him/ Her/ It too.
I remember being poor too, and maybe hungry. I gave so much that I didn't have much for myself. That was alright, though. To see that joy; offer myself in service to others was a treasure that I'd always cherish. Maybe I'm just... well, a servant I guess. It made me feel fulfilled. The hunger that consumed me was satiated by the knowledge that the hardship I suffered was for the sake of my neighbors. For little kids and their moms. Yeah, it felt really good... I think sometimes I wept with joy.
I had a wife, too. She was so good to me; made me feel love like no other. Waterfalls of it washed over me when I was with her. When I met her it felt like I was on cloud nine. I remember looking into her green eyes and stroking her warm, vibrant cheeks. She was my soul mate. I promised her I'd never leave, and I know I meant it. She had our boy shortly before I died... I got to hold him in my arms.
I'll never forget that the day I died. It was dark, and I was hungry and weak. I had some money, but wanted to save it. The weather was cold, and maybe it was snowing. Maybe... it was almost Christmas. Yeah. I wanted to get something for my girl. In the dark, a man asked if I had any money. He said he was hungry, and he looked real sick. So I took out my wallet and gave him five bucks. Then he pulled out a knife and asked for more. I tried to run... tried to... when I felt the blade in my back all I could think of was my girl's green eyes. My little boy. I fell, and he stabbed me alot more. I was too weak to fight back. I wasn't mad though... even if he killed me for twenty dollars. All I felt was despair. Knowing that I promised her I wouldn't ever leave... and I did, and I felt cold, and I died with that guy's hands pulling off my jacket.
It went black, and I cried out in death for solace. For something to end my agony. I guess that's when I saw God. Light starting from a tiny point and exploding everywhere and all through me, with my soul tearing through it at a million miles an hour. A voice like a thousand voices shook me and I trembled with its might. It asked me if I hated the man. The guy that killed me. I said no. I didn't. He was hungry and sick. Maybe he did an evil thing, but we're just people. We gotta live, and... and I didn't hate him for it.
When I said... thought that, God touched me. I felt like I was the one with the universe... that I was extending over everything forever. My soul drank from all of that love and light and compassion, and it was both awesome and terrifying. The voice promised it would be okay. It felt all of my grief, and told me that for my all of my love in life, I would protect mankind in death. Joy washed over me, and I trembled in ecstasy.
I was baptized in moon and star and sunlight; lights beyond light, and it transformed me. I became a servant to God and to Christ, and spread their love as best I could. I watched my wife find love again, and make peace with my death. My son grew and became a man, and found a girl of his own.
Then Heaven was gone. I woke up on a park bench, alone and in the dark.... knowledge of where I was and why I was there settled in my mind. In my mind was the image of a girl far from what she seemed. Another angel with a human body. My partner, I guess. I set out to find her immediately, guided by her divine light.
I am not afraid. I'm back home... and as I walk I feel my divine, though pretty fledgling, powers pulsing within me. Mixed with all of my love is God's righteous fury... something that drives me forward. I will serve mankind as both a shield and sword, and together with Angelica we'll put the 7 sins to rest. We have to... Well, I have to. If I don't, everything I love will be swept away. My son's children will be born into a place of darkness.
I won't let that happen. I'll rain fury upon each of them... why?
Like I said. We're... they're just people. They gotta live.
People say that:
I'm sort of spacey. But that's the sort of thing that happens when you touch God, I guess. I drift off, but never lose focus. My purpose in existence is to serve in the name of Justice, but I will never resort to fighting unless I see real evil. Mankind deserves to live, and I still want to give them nothing but love. I'm not very funny -maybe I could be if I tried- but there is not a kinder soul on Earth... but that doesn't mean I'm weak. Not anymore. I'll bring down all of God's fury that I can, to protect Humanity with my every fiber. My family's at stake...
I want this:
+Food, because I've missed its taste
+Sweeping grasslands and farms
+Happy Music
+Random acts of kindness
Keep this away:
-Cruelty, particularly towards animals
-Betraying a friend's trust
Please, no:
Don't ever let me go... to be ignored or forgotten is more terrible than death
If I feel powerless, despair consumes me. I cannot afford to be helpless now...
Place that are pitch black and cold. They remind me of my life, and what I lost.
Secrets make us whole:
I don't have secrets... which I guess means that I do, I just don't know what they are...
Rally Beside Me In Love
I am controlled by the one and only: ll Bayne ll