Well today was certainly interesting. So, just to help you understand more, I have low blood pressure. And I take extremely hot showers. And showers make me hungry.
Usually I take night showers because then I'll already have food in my stomach.
But today, I had plans for tonight so when I woke up and got out of bed, I was hungry, but went ahead and took a shower.
I started to get light-headed (when I take a shower before eating that's normal; So it wasn't much of a surprise) so I got out, shut the toilet and sat on the lid for a few minutes because I felt like I was going to pass out. Usually it will pass but this time it didn't. So I knew I needed something in my stomach. Now.
So I waited till the feeling died down a bit, then wrapped a towel around myself and planned on walking to my room to see if I had anything to hold me over till I got dressed. But when I started walking, everything started fading in and out to white, so I grabbed on to the bathroom doorframe...and then I don't know.
I heard my mum call my name from downstairs? So I opened my eyes and I was laying on the floor just in front of my bedroom door. (I almost made it! xD)
So I got up, saw a piece of chocolate on my desk, grabbed it, turned towards to my bed to sit down, but then it flashed white again, and I felt my body just fall forwards towards the bed. So I laid there for a few minutes (Maybe ten or so apparently) and then woke up curled into a ball...
Talk about dehydration. x_______x
From now on, the first thing I do after getting out of bed is eating. <333