Art by Etna Yoko &3
To See Bee's Gallery.
Please click the link below!
& Here &
This is most certainly not meant to scare you lovely artists off D:
Its just a heading for the details that can't be forgotten T ~ T
It is a little harsh yes..
probably because of the red and the 'grrr' attitude.
I will still love you anyways if you try to make her <3
If you do leave out some of the details, just tell me why okay?
Thank you ; n ;
<3 Vel
Before you read on after this,
I must make something even more apparent
because a lot of you have forgotten these three details.
1. Bee is not a full blown blonde, she has black in her hair.
Please, PLEASE use the hair references in this journal
and read through them thoroughly.
For a few people I have let this slide because they did a good job
and pleased me with her appearance.
(Perfect example is the art heading this journal entry.
She has the bolt and the tattoo.
The star and the black in her hair slides because of the sheer work she put into this piece.)
I will not let this slide again.
2. Bee has a bolt on her right shoulder with the symbol for bumblebee on it.
Refer to my full body sketch at the bottom of this entry.
3. Bee's star hairpin has black gems in it.
Refer to my chibi sketch at the bottom of this entry to see what it looks like.
4. Bee has a red Autobot's tattoo on her upper hip.
If this is not able to fit on your work,
then please be sure to make it incorporated in the artwork itself.
Be it the background or somewhere else on her body or ipod.
Should you choose that pose, do not forget her wing.
I would like it if she had a golden wing in her miscellaneous poses anyways.
So the wing is now mandatory as well.
Sadly.. since quite a few people have forgotten this
I am putting this warning here for your own good.
Sadly I will make you go back and fix this =[
If I am not happy, you will certainly not be happy either.
Let me make this CRYSTAL CLEAR.
This is not me asking for a full mech art of me and bumble bee from Transformers.
( IF you are a fan of bumblebee, have at it and have fun! &3 )
((Add metallic stripes to her cheek bones if you want &33 ))
((( Go wild!! &333 )))
This is NOT me asking for a full mech art of me looking like bumble bee from Transformers.
and most certainly..
Its a descriptive reference to give you all the help you can ask for.
If you still need help, please, don't hesitate to ask me.

&semi long reference&
I want to have a transformers symbol on her stomach somewhere.
and bumblebee's little car decoration in there too.
have the little thing wrapped around her fingers
or dangling from her teeth. ^^
the ornament looks like this.

bumblebee looks like this.
&just to get an idea of what he looks like&

aaaand this is the transformers symbol I want on her stomach

For her shoulder, it has the mecha piece in it, I call it her shoulder bolt, like a screw joint.
That has bumblebee's symbol on it.
I don't need BB's symbol but I would like it if she had that on her shoulder.
BB's symbol gives you plus points if you can make it there c;

Bumblebee incorporated, see the way his head has those two antennae looking ports?
replace the black one over my ears and make them like his ^^
This is a fan art obviously, but you can see his head pretty good c;
bumblebee's helm
helm 2
helm 3
- help for you if you're confused -
I was thinking of this for her head

Just to make that a bit more clear.
no autobots tattoo on her face, I just put that there for kicks.
If you put it there, thats fine too c:
The way her face looks in that picture is also optional.
I would like her to have a happy demeanor.
I would like her eyes to be vivid blue and both open.
Her eyes should be the energized version in this art.
She has blue eyeshadow that cascades in her eyes.
Kinda like this c:

I want the stripe and the yellow tape mark across her face like this pic here.

+ Addition +
I was thinking about a black streaks in her hair.
Black underneath her blonde hair.
I'll leave a few different renditions of how to colour her hair.
//One Overlay bang's streak
//Double side streaks
//Left side painted
//Black Below
//Gold over sun blonde over black
//Right Side Painted
I prefer the painted sides or the Gold over blonde over black xD
They all work though &3
I would love to see your renditions ~
This is a reference for her corset, gloves, and collar.
I want the corset and collar to have racing stripes just like this jacket has.
Vertical for the collar, on one side only.
The way Ive drawn it makes it on the left side.
Horizontal for the corset.
Just one set and the way Ive drawn it makes it close to the top of the corset.
The Gloves are to match the SLEEVES of the jacket.
Jacket Reference
I was thinking of something along these lines for a background c:
One of those yellow and black circles, like racing stripes.
Yellow black yellow black with two or three little white stars on the bottom side ^^
I was thinking where the white spots were, there would be stars, and the letters bumblebee would be in the circle somehow - smiles - .
but I was thinking of something like that &3

IF this has not made you completely intimidated,
( and or completely Batty )
I will be very happy and pay you quite well.
Ive got Items aplenty to spare for your work.
Im pretty sure we can accommodate something.
I do art trades as well.
Prisma and Inks
& Single &
& Couples &
& Chibi &
& Ink Half Body &
& Flob &
This is my sketch, in progress, of My tribute to Bumble Bee.

AAAND a chibi sketch &w&

Thank you c: