If you are reading this, then you have entered a dark insane world. RUN!
The crap that i deal with, the stuff that runs through the mind, and the brainless ideas and truthful rants of an insane middle schooler.
im so bored!, There isnt much to say 2day, i mean, nothing is really happening. my new swimsuit is kinda cute, and my new computer (its an old imac) isnt going 2 work on this probably. i guess, i could talk about my emotions and that crap, but who wants to know that? well, i am still unhappy, no, mentally bashing my head in over being such a freakin jerk to "bob", so i really dont want to talk, cause theres nothing much to talk about. so bye. *smash* *smash* owww! that wall is hard!, Ellie Schuey