Today I had a dream. My nephews, there dad, and my nieces were in it. My foster sister when she was 13 was in it. And I looked about 21. My best friend Jody was in it too. There were lots of people.
In the beginning, there were a bunch of people living in one house. Pretty much my life today. Except we were in the desert/jungle. And there were creatures everywhere. No one dared go outside. I was a shape shifter; I could change into one of these creatures as could my brother Draco, and foster sister Baker. These creatures were dinosaurs. I changed into a raptor. Draco changed into a Bronciasaurous (sp?). And Baker changed into…well I can’t remember. One day all hell broke loose. My group had successfully trapped the wildcat tribe in the basement (for some reason Scar from Lion King was in there!)
My group and I were out collecting some food for supplies when dinosaurs should up. We fought them best we could. Some idiot opened the basement where the wildcats were. Everyone died except me and my foster sister and my brother. We wandered over to this weird blocked off tunnel. My siblings pushed me in. Those assholes. It turned out to be a group of shape shifters that changed like we did. At this point I woke up and thought of theories. My guess is there was an explosion that turned everyone into dinosaurs and there were now four groups. The dinosaurs, the humans who were not affected the shape shifters who were affected but could change as the wished, and the wild animals that now roamed free. Any way I went back to bed.
The dream picked back up and in the dream I noticed a girl. My dream self didn’t know who she was but I do, it was my best friend Jody. I asked her what was going on and she explained everything to me. The tribes, the explosion, everything. Then some weird big guy came up and took her and kissed her. Turned out to be her boyfriend and she was the princess and he already hated me because apparently I was “flirting”. Ha. We were directed to a room with bunk beds where we slept. The single men slept in one hall the single women in the other. Families got their own quarters. They didn’t consider us a family, because the head guy in charge hated us. Luckily the princess helped use out and we each got our own separate space (WABAM!!!).
I can’t remember the in-between stuff I just knew I was mad about something so I decided to go out. Jody squeezed through the tunnel at the same time as me. As we walked we were arguing and suddenly a raptor jumped in front of us and started talking. He was teasing his prey. I changed and fought him off. Heard his neck snap when I threw him over the bridge. I stayed in form, Jody never changed and I don’t know why. We ran into the raptors mate. It was a much harder battle and I was wounded, luckily my brother showed up and curb stopped the b***h. For some reason I was human again and I saw a disc on the ground and picked it up. The raptor looked scared so I snapped it in half and it died. I still don’t understand this part. Any way we made our way to a nearby trailer park and found people. We saw a raptor print and I changed immediately. A cat jumped up on my shoulder and I spoke to it when I heard someone scream. I told them I was a shifter and meant no harm. Asked them if the saw raptors around. She had heard noises at night. Jody, my brother, and I headed back to camp.
We came down; her boyfriend announced that her father the king had died, which sounded odd to me. I gave Jody to her boyfriend (now fiancé. Great.). And then told everyone. Somehow I wound up in their jail! Her boyfriend was so mad that he didn’t save her that he said I broke a law. I was protecting people. And his girlfriend. My brother and I were off to jail. The only law he could seem to find we broke was destruction of property which is a week of jail.
A few hours later Jody showed up. She was their so there for she was responsible, so since her boyfriend wouldn’t let us out she joined us. THE PRINCESS. She stayed with me and my brother and after my brother went to sleep we started watching movies. I asked her why she was with that jerk and she said part of her cared and plus her dad had liked him. Then I asked her about her dad. I suggested that her power hungry angry jealous boyfriend may have killed him. She agreed. She hadn’t wanted to admit it before. We agreed to sleep in the same bed (drake farts at night she didn’t want to stay with him lol). We slept not facing each other. And then I woke up and can’t remember anything else.