So basically today was really hectic for me since first period I had the fourth and FINAL part of my french final, social studies presentation about ancient Egypt that totally just BOMBED, theater dress rehearsal that went really well so I'm happy about that at least and lastly we had to give in our science fact sheets when all I wanted to do was grab it from her and burn it. I wish zOMG was real so I could use the attack dervish on her and blow all the papers out of her hand. Or fire rain to burn the papers since one of my friends was shoving hers in my face saying how pretty and detailed their fact sheet was since they took like a week on theirs...GAWD just because my fact sheet was done in like two hours at 1 in the morning does not mean it sucked...I hope. sweatdrop
So moving on to the reason why I named this journal entry wuv, is because...during science the table next to mine started laughing and just generally a pain in the a** so me, being the subtle glory known as mio, grabbed the paper they were passing around and said STFU you effing dumbasses. However when I grabbed the sheet instead of getting glares as I expected since I just stole their toy, MORE laughter. Now me, being both pissed and was already planning to read the paper, read the paper...
Only to see that whoever drew the crude stick figures of him and me. That's right him and ME. The person had him asking me out and that to some absurd reason he said made stick figure who represented me say YES. Then he had the next picture be him proposing to me and once again this insane stick figure that is supposed to be me says yes. The next box is even more odd, there is me and him with THREE kids. That's right THREE.
In the end however the two stick figures get divorced and that thankfully ends the horrid comic.
Though I may be talking about this event/comic so harshly, I do sorta like this guy. His name I will refer to as Ramen for a stupid reason I might reveal to you later on.
Well now that threw off my ENTIRE day so glad I could tell the general public.
Bye Bye~
GentryDuchess Community Member |