Name: Rosemarie "Rose" (Mueller)
Symbolism: Rapunzel
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Occupation/Rank: Servant girl of the local bakery.
Country of Origin: Germany
Height: 5"6
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair: Gold
Eyes: n/a
Lips: Rosy
Skin: Fair
Personality: Quiet, Well-Mannered, Sincere
Bio: Rose spent the majority of her life locked away in a tower in the forest, under the ever-watchful eye of her Godmother. When she was 12 years old, a passing Prince heard her singing out of her window as she brushed her incredibly long locks, and he climbed her hair to visit her. They fell in love immediately, and the Prince promised to return to Rosemarie the next day to steal her away. However, she accidentally let it slip to her Godmother that the Prince had visited her, and, outraged, Rose's Godmother sought out the Prince and erased his memory- thus he forgot all about poor Rose. Her Godmother then lied and told Rose that she had killed him. Believing her love to be dead, Rose threw herself from her tower in despair, but survived; unfortunately, she landed in a patch of briars and was blinded by the thorns.
Blindly, she stumbled through the forest until she reached a village, where an old baker and his wife took her in; in return for their kindness, Rose sweeps the floors, among other chores.
Her name means "beloved rose".
She is as pretty as a rosebud, but considered "undesirable" because of her handicap.
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