So she didn't. Beau never smiled. There was absolutely no reason to. Happiness was a pathetic, little emotion that only gave someone hopes to only have them be crushed. Why would you want to pretend to be something like that? What everyone was hiding, Beau wasn't exactly sure, but everyone at Sugar Blue High School had a secret; something that they wouldn't tell until after death. Every person would take their secrets to their graves. How utterly stupid. Beau thought, as she passed a few gossiping Junior girls.
Then, someone stopped Beau. "Beau White! Hey! I was wondering, could I have a word with you for the school paper? People are dying to know if you scored 100 hundred on the last...Biology...test..." The reason the boy stopped talking, was because Beau had walked away. Idiot. She thought. Did he think I would actualy answer his questions? How stupid. Besides, it was obvious that Beau had gotten a perfect score; she always does. It's not like Beau cared, actually. School, work, whatever. Life was a big, fat lie in the town of Sugar Blue.
As Beau made her way home, people stopped and stared. They actually stared. Nobody had enough pride to keep staring when Beau gave them a glare though. It was rather annoying. Why did people stare? Why did people think Beau was a different species? Because she knew. Beau knew what was hidden in this small, little town. Beau knew exactly what was going on. The town of Sugar Blue was going to be producing some...spies soon. They were going to go undercover to the FBI and spy.
How, exactly, did Beau know this? She was one of the spies. Beau smirked on the inside and continued walking. Well, she was going to have one helluva year this year. Spy work, keeping top grades, making sure her mask kept an apathetic look, how hard. But completely stupid. There wasn't a point of being a spy. Why didn't they hire professionals? Because Sugar Blue was dirt poor. That's why.