Naruto sat on the couch flipping through the TV channels. His eyes grew heavy as he slowly turned the channels. Nothing was on so he pushed the power button and the screen went blank.
"I'm leaving for work," said Sasuke. He was wearing a suit with a blue tie. He was now the CEO of a large company called UC or Uchiha Corps.
"Okay," said Naruto. Sasuke straightened up his tie and grabbed his brief case.
"Be sure to make some good food this time," he said. Naruto's eyes flashed.
"Yes, sir," he said curtly. Sasuke left the apartment leaving Naruto alone.
Konoha was just a memory now. They both lived in Tokyo where Sasuke became successful in building a large buisiness. Sasuke was always busy and he hired Naruto as a "live-in-maid" to keep the house tidy and to cook meals for the two of them.
Sasuke was always briging home women. They would cling to his arm and he would charm them and cuddle with them. They'd stay together for a few days and he always ended it. Naruto never had time for women which made him angry at Sasuke for flaunting them off every time they'd come with him.
Naruto never went on a day without thinking about Konoha. He remembered how he wanted to be Hokage.
But all of that was behind him now. He had to serve Sasuke which was his only choice.
He walked into the kitchen, turned the stove on and began making Sasuke's dinner.
The kitchen was chrome. Everything except the cabnients and drawers was chrome. Naruto found it cold. Just like that mysterious Sasuke.
Naruto could never decifer what Sasuke was thinking when he looked at him. All Naruto saw was cold, dark eyes and a cold, dark expression on his countanence.
Feh he thought, cooking, Why do I do this for him?
Naruto placed the finished food into the microwave, made some ramen for himself and headed into the den to have some "Naruto" time.
He flipped on the TV. He slurped some noodles quietly as he watched the colors before him on the giant screen.
Hours passed and Naruto had cleaned half the house. He checked the clock: five after one.
He heard the door open and in came Sasuke looking like her normally did with the same cold expression on his face. He seemed slightly warmer though and Naruto couldn't decifer why. Sasuke always looked so.... alone
"Where's my food?" he asked bluntly. Naruto walked infront of him and crossed his arms.
"In the microwave," he said. Naruto moved out of Sasuke's way as he headed into the kitchen.
Naruto leaned against the doorway of the kitchen and watched as Sasuke pushed the buttons and warmed his food. The microwave beeped loudly as he removed the food.
"How was your day?" said Naruto breaking the silence.
"Fine," said Sasuke coldly.
"Anything wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong. I had to break up with Lo, but that's about it."
There he goes again, thought Naruto, breaking up with them for no reason... that ticks me off.
"What?!" Sasuke said angrily. Naruto looked else where.
"Sorry," mumbled Naruto.
Sasuke walked forward. He walked directly in front of Naruto crowding the door way. His facial muscles relaxed and he smiled some. His head drifted farther down to Naruto's. Sasuke put his hand's on Naruto's face. He patted Naruto's face gently then let go walking into the den, plopping down onto the couch.
Whoa, thought Naruto That was weird...
He felt his face on fire. He shook it off and headed for his bedroom, leaving Sasuke in silence.
The next morning, Naruto woke up. The sun was already high in the sky. He looked at his alarm clock. It was turned off. There was no time on the clock. Naruto jerked out of bed and ran into the den, bumping into Sasuke.
"Sorry!" said Naruto, "I'm sorry I slept late!"
Naruto knew that Sasuke could get mad. Or at least, give Naruto the cold shoulder (which he didn't like).
"Don't worry," Sasuke said, "I unplugged your alarm clock. I cooked breakfast. Ugh, geeze," he said, rubbing his head pushing his onyx hair back, "cooking's difficult."
Naruto was puzzled. Sasuke did all that and he never had done that before.
"Go eat," Sasuke said, breaking Naruto's train of thought, "it's not great but it's food."
Sasuke walked past him into his bedroom.
Naruto shrugged.
Okay... well then...
The breakfast was atcually good. Naruto had no idea Sasuke could cook as well as he did.
Sasuke patted the seat next to himself to make Naruto sit. Naruto sat as Sasuke flipped the TV on.
The same shows were one. Some anime like Dragon Ball-Z and Sailor Moon. Naruto sighed. Sasuke took a quick glance to him, smiled slightly and went back to watching the TV. He laid his arm over the back of the couch, glancing at Naruto then back to the TV. Naruto wasn't noticing. He was too busy watching Vegeta and Goku fight.
Night fell upon the busy city of Tokyo. Naruto hadn't realized he had fallen asleep on Sasuke's lap. He woke up to find Sasuke stroking his hair softly. He turned to face him. Sasuke stopped immeaditely and looked embaressed. He cleared his throat loudly.
"Why were you..."
"Shut up," said Sasuke. Naruto was silent.
Moments passed by slowly.
"You want to know," he said.
"Well.. I... guess... so?" said Naruto, tilting his head slightly.
"I broke up with Lo for a reason."
"Okay...?" said Naruto.
"Isn't that all I need to say?!"
Something inside Naruto clicked.
"OH! Y-y-you... umm..." Naruto blushed.
"Yes," Sasuke said.
Naruto smiled.
"YES DAMMIT!" Sasuke exploaded.
Naruto smiled some more. Sasuke pulled him in and kissed him forecefully. Naruto watched him. It felt good. Really good... Sasuke was experienced with kissing. Naruto felt his eyes slowly close as he followed Sasuke's movements.
Somehow in the 15-20 range, Naruto found himself asleep beside Sasuke completely naked.
WHAT HAPPENED?! Naruto thought. He couldn't remember.
Sasuke turned over. He opened his eyes. He smiled and put his hand on Naruto's cheek.
Srry For Typos
View User's Journal
An Emotional Emo's Feelings
This contains some stories, information about myself, my feelings, and other stuff I feel like putting in there.....
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~Light and Darkness: Two Sides of the Same Coin~
~There cannot be Life without Death...~
~Joy without Pain....~
~Love without Hatred...~
~There cannot be Life without Death...~
~Joy without Pain....~
~Love without Hatred...~