Yes it's true! 3nodding Dad is coming home really soon! Yay! Have a safe trip Dad 4laugh .I miss you so much .5 more days to go and I'll see ya whee .I have nothing to do but to wait blaugh .
While making this Journal I've noticed that my throat...MY THROAT!!!!!It's aching gonk !How could I suppose to sing cry ??Bad luck to me xp .Well, i think I have to keep my mouth shut for a day rofl
Seems like I'll be having a visitor today 3nodding .My Beshi Joyce text me that she'll drop by here later blaugh .
I am sooo bored rolleyes .Nothing to do,really. Still I have to Plurk for karma points lol i have to reach Nirvana exclaim karma is still 76.57
Yesterday, i have finished watching the 24 episode anime Special A or S.A. for short 3nodding .And finally, I watched the 1st episode of Code Geass [first episode only] lol I decided to watch the next episode but I am really busy that time so I forgot that I loaded it.I felt bad for Lelouch sad
argggh..end of the Journal scream
don't forget to drop by at for more blogs 3nodding .