She told her mom over and over,
"There's a monster under my bed, mom. Please. If i got to sleep... he'll get me."
Her mother fed up with these silly accusation said firmly,
"Sweetie, there's no monsters. Just go to sleep and forget about it."
The little girls' eyes glossed over and her lips got dry. Her voice took on a demonic tone as she stated blankly to her mother,
"Fine. I'll go to bed, and the monster will get me, you'll see."
She looked up at her mother and pleaded one more time to spend the night in her mothers' room but all her mother said was,
The little girl suddenly became very quiet and as her mother turned away to go to her room she whispered,
She whispered it so softly the mother didn't know if she'd actually heard it or she was imagining things.
The little girl went into the room, already having accepted tonight she was going to die. And sat in the middle of her bed and waited.
She waited patiently with the lights on and her teddy bear in her arms when, just like she thought, two huge clawed hands emerged from under the edge of her bed. She gasped in spite of herself, her eyes gaping, and screamed BLOODY MURDER.
The mother on the edge of unconsciousness heard the blood curdling scream and ran to her daughters room. She swung the door open and gaped at the scene in front of her. A pool of blood in the middle of the bed, where the girl once sat, and a trail of blood...leading right under the bed...
...To be continued...
The mother, petrified, fainted.
When she woke she was in her bed and she heard screaming. This time it was hers and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. She ran to her daughters room, to confirm her horrific dream. She swung the door open and let out a sigh of relief. her Daughter lay in her bed unscathed, and unharmed. But something was wrong, she looked down and saw blocks scattered across the floor. She woke her daughter and said,
"Time for school, sweetie."
The little golden haired girl rose without a word and walked out of the room into the bathroom. The mother started to pick up the blocks when she notice some of them were arranged in an oddly organized fashion. She gasped when she saw they clearly spelled out, "MOMMY NO". She said the words aloud. Just then she felt two hands on her shoulders. She screamed and turned to see her daughter.
Her face was blank of all emotion. She tilted her head to the side, curiously. The mother put her hand to chest and chuckled at her ridiculousness. "Go into the kitchen I'll have breakfast ready in a little while."
Without a word the girl turned and left the room. The mother finished picking up the blocks, and put them away.
She cleaned the little room quickly, avoiding under the bed. She told herself that there wasn't anything under there, and cleaning it would be pointless. But she knew the real reason for her avoiding that part of the room...
She started to dress the bed, but when she lifted the sheets she saw a stain. It was big and had a red-ish tint to it. She blinked one. It was still there? She quickly put the covers on the bed, messily, and exited the room, on edge. Could what she have saw been real, or just a nightmare? She considered this while preparing breakfast for her daughter who silently watched her as she did so. "sweetie did that monster get you last night?" she asked jokingly to her daughter.
"Mmhmm. I told you he would." She replied in a voice, not her own.
The mother turned to see her daughter staring at her angrily.
She turned back around and finished breakfast and served it to her daughter, who, of course, didn't eat one bite.
After taking the little girl to school, her day went on as it would any other day, uneventful. She did notice on her lunch break that all the little girls around her daughters age kept giving her unexplainable angry glares. She didn't react. She couldn't. How could she? This was all just getting a bit too strange for her taste.
At home that night, her daughter was silent.

The mother after her nightmare the night before and the strange events happening that day, didn't hesitate to suggest her daughter sleep with her tonight. The little girl agreed without a word.
After climbing into the bed she decided to ask her daughter what happened the night before.
"Sweetie, could you tell me what happened last night in your room? How did all those blocks get on the floor? And the stain on the bed?"
The little girl sat up and looked down at her mother.
"It got me, mommy. And it's all your fault" She smiles. "The monster under my bed knocked th e blocks down and then it killed me mom. Just like you said it wouldn't..."
She glared at her mother for a long while. At this point the mother was terrified that her daughter was loosing it.
"SWEETIE YOU'RE NOT DEAD! LISTEN TO ME!" She sat up and shook her daughter as she continued to scream, "IF YOU WERE DEAD YOU WOULDN'T BE SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! THERE IS NO MONSTER!!!" She stared at her daughter, straight in the eyes for the first time. The littles' girls face was blank. The mother lied back down and then she heard, the single most frightening sound in all her life. Worse then the scream in her nightmare; her daughter was laughing.
She was laughing a laugh not hers. This laughter was high pitched and demonic. She still didn't look at her daughter until she felt two small hands on her face. She wanted to push her daughter away and ask her what was wrong with her, but she couldn't move! She was chilled to the bone by her daughters touch. Her hands were literally freezing. The laughter abruptly stopped, and her hands moved away from her mothers face. She leaned close to her mothers ear and whispered in an innocent voice...
"No mommy. There is a monster. And I am dead..." her voice took on the same demonic tone as the night before, "...And so are you."
The mother felt a crawling sensation in her stomach and tried to scream but all that came out was a single... cockroach. She tried to inhale but couldn't hundreds of roaches came pouring out of her mouth. The little girl touched her mothers shoulder and sang in a sweet voice:
This is what you deserve.
For letting me die.
This is what you get.
For letting me die.
And her laughter faded away as she vanished from the bed like sand in the wind.
If you want to see another story like this one COMMENT!
The picture gave me inspiration for this story...
The picture was provided by http://www.kontraband.co.uk/pics/17300/Childhood-Fears-Visualised/
CAUTION: These pics are extremely scary and i suggest you click this link and then change your underpants before you start to stink up the room. Hahaha!