BLAH BKLAH BLAH TYPOS AND STUFF OF DOOOM! Just getting it down and out after re reading my Story from forever ago XPP
It was Autumn, the leaves had just begun to change, there tinted green and orange colorations ebbing softly from edge to edge as the seasons changed yet again.Dusk drew closer,the silence of day was shattered by the chirrping of cicada and the ever running river that cascaded down into the tiny village where lights were beginning to pop up in the windows. Sighing heavly and staring back down at his watch Kojin tapped at the glass face a few times making sure the poor old thing was still ticking. Running his fingers dully over the worn leather and sighing yet again the boy looked down the cobblestoned path for the millionth time wondering where his travelling companion had wondred off to again. The shadows were getting longer and the night had never been a comforting thing to the small boy. Curling his knees up closer to his chest, back againt a tree. He waited. Taking time to think about how far he'd come since he'd started to travel with Evan. Three years since the fire,Three years since all that blood shead and violence...
"Ko-gee?" the sudden voice broke Kojin's train of thought making him jump and stutter,"Don't scare me like that!!" he hissed looking up at Evan Rhapsody. The older man simply chuckled and smiled.
"I didn't mean to scare you Ko-gee. You just looked so far off in your own world I was worried for a moment."
"Then you worry too much!" reaching behind him, Kojin grabbed his backpack,"What took you so long! I thought you had forgotten about me!" Slinging the light little black bag over his shoulder and adjusting his shirt (Which was three sizes too big since it was Rhapsody's) the boy marched past Rhapsody with a snort. Evan only chuckled again as he followed without a complaint.
"I would never forget about you Kojin. I told you I would look out for you and I will. I was just having some trouble getting a room is all,I had to try and get what we could with what little money we have left after last month." reaching his hands behind his head and stretching, his back popping in sevral places the dragon exhaled sweetly,"If you didn't need new clothing all the time we would have more you know." Kojin simply turned up his nose at the comment and huffed. His childish mannerisums showing through his mature act.
"If you,Evan, didn't make me wait all the time We would have more money."
Reaching forward Rhapsody ruffled the preteens hair lightly. The black and red tresses flying around wildly as he used his other arm to wrap around Kojin's shoulders.He didn't mind kojin's constant complaining and bullheadedness. He found it endearing on some level since the arguments he usually pulled up had no meaning to the current situation at all, they were just to have the last word on the topic.Leaning down and twisting his hair softly Rhapsody whispered in Kojin's ear. His deep voice soft and soothing"Maybe....If you stop dying your hair this reched coloration we would be able to buy some food now and again."
Slapping his hand over his ear Kojin blushed and pulled away.
"Freak! I like my hair like this! Now back off will Yas!"
Laughing and punching the ebony haired man in the shoulder playfully Kojin started back towards the village.
The room was small. Smaller then Evan would have hoped for with the money he had spent on it. Scowling as he placed his bags on the bedside he sat down and looked around the dingy place. He had sent Kojin off to get something for dinner with what little money they had left while he had stayed behind to get settled in.
"Something...Isn't right.." the dragon mused. His nose twitched as he looked around the room, his cold blue eyes darting from corner to corner, inspecting it was a criticing fashion.Suddenly it dawned on him.There was only one bed. His pale complextion light up to a bright red as he sat up and looked around again counting out loud,"One night stand, One desk, One Table, Two chairs,ONE.....bed...." counting it outloud had only confermed it. There was one, and only one, Bed in the room. He had remebered he had specificly asked for a two bed suite. Apparently the man at the desk had lied to him about the whole situation.
"Well s**t...." trying to distract his mind from the problem Rhapsody started to pull out Kojin's clothes (Which Half were shirts that Evan himself had given him because they didn't fit him any more) and fold them neatly before placing them into the nightstand. His movement fluid as he straightened the room like clockwork. Everything had a place to him. Shoes by the door, Shirts in the top drawer, Pants in the bottom. Socks and undergarments were folded and placed in the third drawer and all other accesories were to be placed o nthe desk sorted by size shape and color.Once everything was to his liking and the bed had been remade and the corners of the sheets refolded militry style the dragon relized his problem again. The throbbing sensation in his head heating up into a headache. Kojin would be back soon at this rate and there was no solution to the 'one bed and two people' problem.Scratching his head and trying to see the situation in a new light Rhapsody sat down on the ivory sheets. His long hair touching the crisp linen providing a beautiful contrast between the white cloth and his raven hair. Staring for a moment the dragon purred,"Nothing will happen. I can just sleep on one side and he'll sleep on the other.After all I'm not some ***** who....." shaking his head of the image of the thirteen year old boy in jsut a t-shirt and boxers ready for bed the ancient dragon growled and fell down on the mattress,"This isn't good...It's not...." his back tingled for a moment at the thoughts of blood and Kojin. His soft skin,his touch...It always made his inner demons stir horribly. The instinct to ruin something so pure and innocent still strong within him after 50 years of being trapped in this human body. Blue eyes changing crimson in the dim light at the thought of white sheets turning a beatuiful satin red accominied by a chorus of screams and moans. Closing his eyes, the dragon growled softly remembering what was a lifetime ago.
"I made a vow and I shall keep it...." he purred relaxing as his eyes flickered back to the steely blue they usually were,"I promised to take care of him like an older brother and I will do so...Even at the cost of my soul..." sitting back up at the sound of keys jangling itno the lock Rhapsody smiled.Kojin walked inside the small room his hands full of paper bags and a sack of oranges, the dragons favorite, hanging from his hip. His small figure almost feminine as he turned aruond to lock the door.
"Help me you dolt!" he muttered adjusting the weight in his arms.
"Why? You have it just....Alright." Rhapsody cooed getting up and taking the bags from the boy, lifting them over the teenagers head.
"I bought your favorite too so be grateful!!" Kojin fumed,"The clerk there was a real b*****d! I've never met a bigger ********' idiot then him! Seriously! I'm a kid but I know the diffrence between a pound of grape fruit and a ********' pound of ********' oragnes!! I-What?"
Rhapsody was laughing as he watched the boy pacing and ranting.
"It's nothing.....Just thinking."
"Your sucha freak....." Kojin said lightly joinging in putting up the items he had bought.
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Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
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"Even though the sound of it
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"
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![]() Burning_Star_IV Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
"His soft skin,his touch...It always made his inner demons stir horribly. The instinct to ruin something so pure and innocent still strong within him. The thought of white sheets turning a beatuiful satin red accominied by a chorus of screams and moans."
It just sounds so wrong! I couldn't help but laugh! XD If I didn't know about his past I would be like Whoa! Child molester! XD
But I liked it! It was really good and I wanna read more. 3nodding