Another Creepy Dream xD
It starts out that you see a zombie under the ground going around and picking zombies out from there graves at eating them, and they show you that for about 4 zombies being eaten than it goes to the world like ours but we are in the woods, so at this time we were talking untill the earth began to rumble, crack, and break letting all those zombies out. So I got into this weird floating thing, It was like a car and ran away. I came to the camping site next to us but didn't know that. I heard a "Boom Shaka Laka" and a "Shimon`e" but didn't know why untill I got there and saw Sasquotch. So I stayed there for a few untill our teacher, and Mrs.VanCleef came over and got me, Courtney was with them and she said "The Escape Pods are so cute!!"