Sorry I haven't been entering these... but I've been busy, and right now I have a few stalkers sad and there very good at making me scared cry ... plus one of my friends just been recently dumped and she's been crying over him for like 4 days... until she met some other dude at a public party that I took her too... my life been full of drama.. I hate it.. I always had a very simple life.. no its complicated crying .... I'm meeting new friends along the journey we call "life"... and because of me religion I have to be a vegetarian for a month crying I hate it but i have to do it... and yesterday in early morning I had to do some community work for some credits... I had helped the elderly at the retirement home.. then I donated blood... not much people know this but I'm scared of needles.. so I closed my eyes until they were finished... and something else about fears.. when I was 12.. someone hated me a lot and it was my b day and as school policy u have to onvite everyone in the class to a party.. because they don't want anyone feeling left out.. so during the party the dude that hated me came and tried to drown me... he almost succeeded to.. luckily my older brother "was" a lifeguard, so he did CPR on me.. and I lived and ever since then I've been claustrophobic . I don't like people getting near me unless I want them to, or I'm okay with it. sweatdrop