Painfully cute cosplay
What's sold:
Custom chibi Pokemon art!

~ P o k é M i n i s ~
What's sold:
Cute chibi Pokemon (premades only)

What's sold:
More cute chibi Pokemon! (mostly premades; has a custom art section but rarely opens it)

What's sold:
Pixel Pokemon gijinkas (premades only)

[ GSPP ] [ Pokecafe! ]
What's sold:
Pixelated Poké cakes and berry juice (premades only)

What's sold:
Premade pets - in the case of Pokemon, Eevee evolutions, Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Togepi

◄ P O C K E T - M O N S T E R S ►
What's sold:
Cutely painted Pokemon pictures (premades only)

Cute and colorful Pokemon plushies (premades only, but feel free to take a spin on the wheel of magic!)

/_*_/ Poké Pocky /_*_/
What's sold:
As the name implies, pocky inspired by Pokemon. This shop is fairly new, so keep checking back for new products! (premades only)
♥♥The {Poké} BUMP Shop ♥♥
What's sold:
As the name implies, this is not a regular mini shop, but a Pokemon-themed bumping shop. What a nifty idea!

What's sold:
Cert. pets inspired by Eevee and its various evolutions - both real and made-up.

Pokésips - Gotta Sip Em All!
What's sold:
Pokemon-themed pixel sippy cups. Awww! (premades only)

Kawaii Co.
What's sold:
Lots of super-cute pre-mades, the main focus being Pokemon. You can even ask for a custom.

g o t c h a! // A Pokémon Gijinka Thread //
What's sold:
Technically, nothing, as this is an art freebie thread where the freebies are given out to the person who quotes the post with a pokeball in it the fastest. Another great idea!

POKESHAA | An Aershaa Pokemon Event |
What's sold:
Another breedable/changing pets shop. This is mainly a raffle, but there is a flatsale featuring lots of different Pokemon. The art for these pets is really something. If you're a fan of these pets (I don't understand them for the life of me sweatdrop ), you should definitely check this out. Please do them a favor and respect the duration for which this event runs.

Artemis' Glade
What's sold:
Normally, just regular breedable pets. However, there is also a Pokemon event going on in this thread. Keep checking page 2 of the thread for more details!

||Children of Arceus|| [Pkmn 5th Gen]
What's sold:
More breedable pets, but with a twist! Flatsales are temporary, and you actually battle these pets against one another, using the set format and rules posted in the thread. This is a really unique idea - be sure to check it out and even sign up if you can commit the time.