†Hello my name is...†
Amilia Raie Venninfeild
†I've been alive this many years...†
26 (in vampire years it's been 200)
†I'm a...†
†My role...†
†I like...†
† Red tea
† Children
† The colour blue
† Cats
† Scented candles
† Swimming
†I hate...†
† Dogs
† Sour things
† Apples
† Bullying
† Powers (psych)
† Vampire history
†This is my story...†
After becoming a vampire Amilia longed to have a family if she was to live for so many years. She attempted to have children but had miscarges every time. Upset and lonely she tried to commit suicide but failed to do so. Instead she decided to found a school and help children that have been turned into vampires survive their four years of change. Thus began the many years of teaching at Cross Acedemy.
†I fight with...†
A lunar scyth
†My gift...†
Telepathic and healing
†My master...†