● ● ● ● ══════════════════════ ★ xxx Ransom
A demon hunter born in a small rural town. Less modernized when in comparison to larger cities and towns.
Ransom is my Devil May Cry OC.
◘ Full Name// Ransom. ◊ Doesn't appreciate the nickname, "Random". ◊ Ransom is actually her family name. ◘ Species// Human. ◊ Although human, Ransom had been cursed by a demon in her early teen years. ◘ Age// 22 ◘ Hair// Black. ◊ Ends about six inches below shoulders. ◊ Very messy style with a lot of layers and bangs swept across her face. ◘ Height// 5'7'' ◘ Weight// 142 lbs. [? idk...] ◘ Eyes// Light Amber. ◘ Weapon// O-katana [for now]
◘ Dislikes// Uncalled for vulgarity. Pants [but she'll still wear 'em]. Guns. Demons. The color yellow. Sour foods. Ransom doesn't like the rain, nor does she particularly care for thunder storms. She isn't a fan of dogs. The business of cities.
◘ Likes// Cats. The color Red. Skirts/semi-loose clothing. Bladed weapons. Motorcycles. She can tolerate bugs and birds, but she doesn't really care for them either which way. She likes forested areas.
◘ Appearance// Good lord she changes her outfit too often for me to list something specific! XD; But things to keep in mind include: ◊ She always wears arm warmers. ◊ As her curse gets worse she begins to cover more and more of her left side. ◊ In relation to the above, she's always wearing an eye patch on her left eye to conceal her affliction. ◊ She likes boots that raise high on the legs. Usually they end just below her knee. Boots are typically laced or buckled. ◊ Is always carrying some sort of concealed weapon. For safety reasons, because she's not paranoid at all!
You know, this whole following section is subject to change until I figure out something I like...
◘ Biography// Originally living in a small rural town on the outskirts of an unnamed city, Ransom had a relatively normal up bringing.
The town she grew up with, though slowly embracing the ways of the modern age, still followed a lot of old customs. Town superstitions still held strong and the belief in demons and other spiritual things was still common, but were wavering with the younger generations.
She was always a sort of busy body, it was common place to see her taking part in various duties usually assigned to the men of the town. She was often seen working along side her older brother in his training and other sorts of miscellaneous tasks throughout the village.
On the edge of town there stands a sacred shrine that everyone was forbidden to go near. Apparently this small shrine housed the soul of a demon and it was believed that anyone who went near the place to cause mischief or otherwise, walked away cursed or wound up dead shortly after.
Curiosity one day took the better of her and Ransom, along with her brother and some friends went up to the shrine to test the rumors.
◘ Family// She lives in a reasonably sized house with her father and brother. Her mother passed away when she was twelve. Her brother is three years older than her, they get along well enough.
◘ Human form// ║ [x] ║ [x] ║ [x] ║ [x] ║ [x] ║
◘ Cursed form// Working on it...
Received Arts - Artists Listed
◘ ║[Nea] [x] ║

★ ══════════════════════ ● ● ● ●
Xyana · Sat Mar 07, 2009 @ 09:04am · 0 Comments |