<b>Not Just Another Cute Beast!</b>
<b>Let’s get the facts:</b>
<b>Name: </b> Luna Ookami.
<b>Nicknames:</b> The Black Wolf of Misfortune, The Smiling Demon or Blue.
<b>Age:</b> Appears 17 years old, True age: 905 years old, 1 month and 12 days excluding the end date.
<b>Sex:</b> Female
<b>Sexuality:</b> Heterosexual
<b>Height:</b> 5’3
<b>Weight:</b> 125 lbs
<b>Race:</b> Half-breed
<b>Species:</b> 50% Wolf Demon 50% Reincarnated God
<b>Origins :</b> Half Japanese and Half Norwegian.
<b>Appearance:</b> Luna is so tall she is short. She stands at a height of five foot three inches, no more and no less. Her eyes are blue, but a very rare hue of blue, a cerulean like no other. Her skin is a soft ivory, which she bares no blemishes or pimples. With the exception of a few scars starting on the inside of her wrists to her elbows, it should be made known that these were wounds received by an Obake in her younger years.
She has an assortment of tattoos on her curvaceous frame. The first mark she was given was one at birth, a black moon in a Waning crescent outlined in a blue a shade lighter than her hues. The second mark is the filigree that spans from the top of her neck to the lowest part of her spine. The filigree is very intricate and feminine with swirling tendrils, intertwined locks, turns, and twists made of black outlined in blue, the same shade of blue as her moon. They follow the lines of her frame curving only when they need to. She has a ‘Chest Piece’ that follows the length of her shoulders but forms to her chest. ((This is also where she stores her Nodachi))
Luna’s third set of markings is filigree that branches of from the markings along her spine to curve under the lines of her breasts and to curl along her sternum. This continues right into the forth mark which follows the delicate V of her Pubic bone to stretch and end along her hips. Each set is a different pattern, but they all seem to come together as one piece, and it is much harder to separate them into separate pieces by just looking at her. Lastly a set of markings are made upon the tops of her feet, where they come to stop in a half moon around her knees, with a matching set on the tops of her hands, where they stretch up along the middle of her arm and curve around her elbow.
She has nice hips to accompany her breasts in an almost perfect hourglass shape. Her form is hairless, unlike a human. She has a pair of black wolf ears atop her head, and two wolf tails starting at the base of her spine, where her markings meet.
Luna is exactly 5’3 inches and 125 lbs.
<b>Wolf Form Appearance: </b> The Dire Wolf was larger than the Gray Wolf, averaging about 1.5 metres (5 ft) in length and weighing between 50 kg (110 lb) and 79 kg (174 lb). Now, Luna resembles the Dire Wolf in the sense that she is larger than that of a Grey Wolf ((Because of her blood, she is much larger than the Dire Wolf )) but she looks similar to a Gray Wolf in proportion. The Dire Wolf had shorter stockier legs, and their brains were smaller than the Gray Wolf. Luna’s legs are long and lean like that of the Gray Wolf, and her Brain fits the size of her skull. Perhaps she has more intelligence in this form than most wolves, being that she is of supernatural origins. If she concentrates hard enough she can understand human language and even speak. Most wolves or sister wolves can understand and speak to each other. In this form, she retains her two tails and the marking on her forehead. However, it is reversed in color.
<b>On a deeper level:</b>
<b>Biography:</b> Luna was born sometime around 1160, Feudal Japan, Her family consisted of her Mother a wolf Demon, her Father a reincarnated Norwegian God, and her four half brothers, all older than herself. They were also born to a different father from her own. She was raised around the Ninja and the Samurai of her time and she lived and breathed war. Their tribe was large and prosperous, as they were the reigning Wolf Demon Tribe and the strongest out of the Ninja clans ((Oldest)). They were very highly respected and regarded, while fear played a big part it was their skill that had them so sought after. Mostly they were hired for assassination, espionage, and protection.
When the Meiji restoration began to come into effect and ended the 265-year-old feudalistic Tokugawa shogunate, the Ookami family refused to serve under the Taishō Emperor. They, like many Samurai believed that tradition was worth fighting for. Modernization meant a loss of their culture and their way of life; they feared Japan would forget the foundations they were built upon so long ago. The Daimyo voluntarily surrendered their land and census records to the Emperor in the
Abolition of the Han system, symbolizing that the land and people were under the Emperor's jurisdiction. Once that was done, the Ookami family refused to serve the Daimyo, regrettably, the Emperor. Most of the Tribes surrendered their swords, while the Ookami refused; they brought dishonour to their family name and were shunned by their allies, their comrades, and their friends. Those families who married into the Ookami blood broke away from the main house and took refuge under the Daimyo. Many of them believed it was futile to fight against the Emperor and made the decision to change, mostly this was because they feared the wrath their families might face if they did not surrender. Although it might have been a futile effort, the Ookami firmly believed in their way of life and refused to submit, no matter what.
This brought about a separation, a great divide between the houses of Ookami. The Main family versus the smaller households who had sided with the Daimyo and the Emperor. They became the Shinsengumi, those that hunted down the master-less Samurai, the Ronin or any and all who opposed the Emperor. The only ones bearing arms, the only ones allowed to maintain their lifestyle, with limitations. Allies had now become enemies and the Main House was forced to flee Kyoto. They found safety in the mountainous, forested region of Hokkaido.
There they lived and practiced for many many years, though the Main Branch was much smaller than it used to be. The Original Ookami lived their days training their ilk and passing the knowledge their forefathers had given them. Their wisdom and experience would live on in the younger generations should anything happen to them. Training started at a very young age, and continued through life.
Nevertheless, as times changed, the Ookami began to change as well. They had to learn the outside world, adjust to it as decades passed. Eventually the households that left the Main Branch had changed so much so that their blood was watered down; they were more human than Youkai, and very few presented preternatural abilities. They were a great disappointment to their ancestors and could hardly be considered clan.
Eventually the Younger Ookami left Hokkaido to follow their own paths and branch out on their own. Make their own packs, while maintaining their history. Kage Ookami made his home in Xi'an. It is the capital of the Shaanxi province, and a sub-provincial city in the People's Republic of China. One of the oldest cities in China, with more than 3,100 years of history, the city was known as Chang'an before the Ming Dynasty. Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, having held that position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. Heero Yuki found his way to the Italian city of Genoa, drawn to it by its rich culture, and his need to learn and study. Tsuki decided to make his home in Las Vegas, a good place for a womanizer like himself. Where he could make money as a profitable businessman and still use it as a reasonable cover for his other life. Kaze Ookami stayed in Japan, but he moved to Kyoto, the Main Families original home. Here most had forgotten the past and no one was really left alive to question him.
As for Luna, she studied with the Families Warlock and Keeper for many many years. Because of her powers, her need to learn and grow had started early. Her family placed her in his care when she was still an adolescent. She had lived and saw many things before her brothers ever had a chance to discover them. Because of this, Luna was able to harness her abilities with a practitioner of the arcane arts, as well as learn the traditions her family had practiced for centuries.
In 1845 Luna was living in Ireland with Kurai, the country was facing the great famine and chaos was running amok. There was a small group of ‘scientists’ hunting down supernaturals in the hopes of studying them, possibly wanting to obtain immortality. They had stumbled across some gossip or heresy that there was a powerful pureblood vampire and studying Warlock looking after a young woman whose blood could grant just that. Unexpectedly they were living within the cities walls.
They tracked down the two supernaturals and went about setting their plans into motion. In the dead of the night, they set the house on fire, and had their resident witch place seals around the house. She was a very powerful witch because Kurai could not break these seals. Therefore, he could not enter, as he had been out on business. The ‘Scientists’ had hoped to capture them both, but had only managed the half breed. With magical shackles placed upon her Luna could not fight her magic and was taken into their care.
It was not until then that she was placed into a forced sleep. Centuries would pass before she would awaken again. The day that Stark finds her in the Asylum would mark one hundred and sixty six years, eight months and five days excluding the end date. October 4th 2011. It would later be known that the Immortal who adopted Xander, was from one of the original ‘Scientists’ who captured her. Jack and Luna’s meeting was not coincidence.
<b>Personality:</b> Luna was raised by Assassins. She was born and bred alongside death. That means she has very little moral standing as well as little emotional range. She was taught that love, trust, and friendship were things that could be, and would be used against her. Luna has no threads of friendship but she values her ties to her family and it can be called love. Intimacy is not a form she is comfortable with. She has not given her body to anyone, because her tribe values a life mate. One mate for all the days you live. If your life mate dies, often the pair bond is broken. In rare cases, it is possible to find another. Luna does not believe that she has a life mate. She uses her body as a weapon when necessary, as it is a powerful tool.
Luna is loyal, almost to a fault. She would do anything to protect her family, and adheres to her contacts privacy. If asked an opinion, she will give an honest answer and is known to be blunt sometimes harshly so. She is known to be very stubborn and can hide her emotions behind a well-mannered facade. She has the potential to be someone who cares about other people unconditionally. It is just getting past her defences; most will not even try, as it is too much of a hassle. She is calm and rational, logical and intelligent. She has an eidetic memory and has traveled the world learning many many things, outside if this she is very disciplined.
<b>Powers:</b> Luna is a Psionic. <b>Psionics</b> is the study and/or practice of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. There are many layers to Psionics, like peeling back an onion. Being that she is a true Psionicist, she has a growing number of talents in this field.
Luna has <b>Darkness/Shadow</b> abilities. She can manipulate them to her will, for defensive and offensive purposes.
Her last power is <b>wind manipulation.</b> Like Darkness and Shadow, it can be used offensively and defensively.
<b>Talents:</b> <b>Shunkō</b> also known as Flash Cry is an advanced technique that combines hand-to-hand combat with Kidō. Essentially this technique uses Chi to protect the body from hits and magical based attacks, lessening the damage done by an assault.
<b>Hohō</b> A technique that allows the user agility and extreme speed, Hohō
can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training.
Luna is a <b>Taijutsu</b> and <b>Ninjutsu</b> master, as well as an advanced weapons specialist. Her style of fighting is hand-to-hand combat, meant to shatter bones and she uses her body as a weapon. However, if she chooses to use a weapon other than herself, she prefers her Nodachi.
50" Blade, 4/8"
Huge 68" Overall Length.
Cloth Wrapped Handle.
<b>Kusarigama</b> “chain-sickle' is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) on a metal chain (manriki) with a heavy iron weight at the end. Though the Kusarigama is derived from a farmer's scythe, and though the sickle was often carried as a weapon during the feudal era of Japan, these farmers did not carry Kusarigama. Its purpose as a weapon was obvious, so unlike a sickle, it could not be carried openly. The art of handling the Kusarigama is called Kusarigamajutsu.
<b>Other ninja weapons.</b>
<b>Weaknesses:</b> Mortal weapons, excluding swords, daggers or any bladed weapon unless charmed will not hurt her, especially guns, can severely harm Luna. She is a demon; such weapons will do her great harm. Demon weapons will not.
She hates small places, cages, or being restricted to a certain area or place.
People in general.
Imp demons.
<b>Likes:</b> Hunting-her term for assassinations, fighting, Stark, Food-especially sweet things, night time, the moon, wolves, most Supernaturals, learning, creativity and a gaggle of other things.
<b>Let’s get the facts:</b>
<b>Name: </b> Luna Ookami.
<b>Nicknames:</b> The Black Wolf of Misfortune, The Smiling Demon or Blue.
<b>Age:</b> Appears 17 years old, True age: 905 years old, 1 month and 12 days excluding the end date.
<b>Sex:</b> Female
<b>Sexuality:</b> Heterosexual
<b>Height:</b> 5’3
<b>Weight:</b> 125 lbs
<b>Race:</b> Half-breed
<b>Species:</b> 50% Wolf Demon 50% Reincarnated God
<b>Origins :</b> Half Japanese and Half Norwegian.
<b>Appearance:</b> Luna is so tall she is short. She stands at a height of five foot three inches, no more and no less. Her eyes are blue, but a very rare hue of blue, a cerulean like no other. Her skin is a soft ivory, which she bares no blemishes or pimples. With the exception of a few scars starting on the inside of her wrists to her elbows, it should be made known that these were wounds received by an Obake in her younger years.
She has an assortment of tattoos on her curvaceous frame. The first mark she was given was one at birth, a black moon in a Waning crescent outlined in a blue a shade lighter than her hues. The second mark is the filigree that spans from the top of her neck to the lowest part of her spine. The filigree is very intricate and feminine with swirling tendrils, intertwined locks, turns, and twists made of black outlined in blue, the same shade of blue as her moon. They follow the lines of her frame curving only when they need to. She has a ‘Chest Piece’ that follows the length of her shoulders but forms to her chest. ((This is also where she stores her Nodachi))
Luna’s third set of markings is filigree that branches of from the markings along her spine to curve under the lines of her breasts and to curl along her sternum. This continues right into the forth mark which follows the delicate V of her Pubic bone to stretch and end along her hips. Each set is a different pattern, but they all seem to come together as one piece, and it is much harder to separate them into separate pieces by just looking at her. Lastly a set of markings are made upon the tops of her feet, where they come to stop in a half moon around her knees, with a matching set on the tops of her hands, where they stretch up along the middle of her arm and curve around her elbow.
She has nice hips to accompany her breasts in an almost perfect hourglass shape. Her form is hairless, unlike a human. She has a pair of black wolf ears atop her head, and two wolf tails starting at the base of her spine, where her markings meet.
Luna is exactly 5’3 inches and 125 lbs.
<b>Wolf Form Appearance: </b> The Dire Wolf was larger than the Gray Wolf, averaging about 1.5 metres (5 ft) in length and weighing between 50 kg (110 lb) and 79 kg (174 lb). Now, Luna resembles the Dire Wolf in the sense that she is larger than that of a Grey Wolf ((Because of her blood, she is much larger than the Dire Wolf )) but she looks similar to a Gray Wolf in proportion. The Dire Wolf had shorter stockier legs, and their brains were smaller than the Gray Wolf. Luna’s legs are long and lean like that of the Gray Wolf, and her Brain fits the size of her skull. Perhaps she has more intelligence in this form than most wolves, being that she is of supernatural origins. If she concentrates hard enough she can understand human language and even speak. Most wolves or sister wolves can understand and speak to each other. In this form, she retains her two tails and the marking on her forehead. However, it is reversed in color.
<b>On a deeper level:</b>
<b>Biography:</b> Luna was born sometime around 1160, Feudal Japan, Her family consisted of her Mother a wolf Demon, her Father a reincarnated Norwegian God, and her four half brothers, all older than herself. They were also born to a different father from her own. She was raised around the Ninja and the Samurai of her time and she lived and breathed war. Their tribe was large and prosperous, as they were the reigning Wolf Demon Tribe and the strongest out of the Ninja clans ((Oldest)). They were very highly respected and regarded, while fear played a big part it was their skill that had them so sought after. Mostly they were hired for assassination, espionage, and protection.
When the Meiji restoration began to come into effect and ended the 265-year-old feudalistic Tokugawa shogunate, the Ookami family refused to serve under the Taishō Emperor. They, like many Samurai believed that tradition was worth fighting for. Modernization meant a loss of their culture and their way of life; they feared Japan would forget the foundations they were built upon so long ago. The Daimyo voluntarily surrendered their land and census records to the Emperor in the
Abolition of the Han system, symbolizing that the land and people were under the Emperor's jurisdiction. Once that was done, the Ookami family refused to serve the Daimyo, regrettably, the Emperor. Most of the Tribes surrendered their swords, while the Ookami refused; they brought dishonour to their family name and were shunned by their allies, their comrades, and their friends. Those families who married into the Ookami blood broke away from the main house and took refuge under the Daimyo. Many of them believed it was futile to fight against the Emperor and made the decision to change, mostly this was because they feared the wrath their families might face if they did not surrender. Although it might have been a futile effort, the Ookami firmly believed in their way of life and refused to submit, no matter what.
This brought about a separation, a great divide between the houses of Ookami. The Main family versus the smaller households who had sided with the Daimyo and the Emperor. They became the Shinsengumi, those that hunted down the master-less Samurai, the Ronin or any and all who opposed the Emperor. The only ones bearing arms, the only ones allowed to maintain their lifestyle, with limitations. Allies had now become enemies and the Main House was forced to flee Kyoto. They found safety in the mountainous, forested region of Hokkaido.
There they lived and practiced for many many years, though the Main Branch was much smaller than it used to be. The Original Ookami lived their days training their ilk and passing the knowledge their forefathers had given them. Their wisdom and experience would live on in the younger generations should anything happen to them. Training started at a very young age, and continued through life.
Nevertheless, as times changed, the Ookami began to change as well. They had to learn the outside world, adjust to it as decades passed. Eventually the households that left the Main Branch had changed so much so that their blood was watered down; they were more human than Youkai, and very few presented preternatural abilities. They were a great disappointment to their ancestors and could hardly be considered clan.
Eventually the Younger Ookami left Hokkaido to follow their own paths and branch out on their own. Make their own packs, while maintaining their history. Kage Ookami made his home in Xi'an. It is the capital of the Shaanxi province, and a sub-provincial city in the People's Republic of China. One of the oldest cities in China, with more than 3,100 years of history, the city was known as Chang'an before the Ming Dynasty. Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, having held that position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. Heero Yuki found his way to the Italian city of Genoa, drawn to it by its rich culture, and his need to learn and study. Tsuki decided to make his home in Las Vegas, a good place for a womanizer like himself. Where he could make money as a profitable businessman and still use it as a reasonable cover for his other life. Kaze Ookami stayed in Japan, but he moved to Kyoto, the Main Families original home. Here most had forgotten the past and no one was really left alive to question him.
As for Luna, she studied with the Families Warlock and Keeper for many many years. Because of her powers, her need to learn and grow had started early. Her family placed her in his care when she was still an adolescent. She had lived and saw many things before her brothers ever had a chance to discover them. Because of this, Luna was able to harness her abilities with a practitioner of the arcane arts, as well as learn the traditions her family had practiced for centuries.
In 1845 Luna was living in Ireland with Kurai, the country was facing the great famine and chaos was running amok. There was a small group of ‘scientists’ hunting down supernaturals in the hopes of studying them, possibly wanting to obtain immortality. They had stumbled across some gossip or heresy that there was a powerful pureblood vampire and studying Warlock looking after a young woman whose blood could grant just that. Unexpectedly they were living within the cities walls.
They tracked down the two supernaturals and went about setting their plans into motion. In the dead of the night, they set the house on fire, and had their resident witch place seals around the house. She was a very powerful witch because Kurai could not break these seals. Therefore, he could not enter, as he had been out on business. The ‘Scientists’ had hoped to capture them both, but had only managed the half breed. With magical shackles placed upon her Luna could not fight her magic and was taken into their care.
It was not until then that she was placed into a forced sleep. Centuries would pass before she would awaken again. The day that Stark finds her in the Asylum would mark one hundred and sixty six years, eight months and five days excluding the end date. October 4th 2011. It would later be known that the Immortal who adopted Xander, was from one of the original ‘Scientists’ who captured her. Jack and Luna’s meeting was not coincidence.
<b>Personality:</b> Luna was raised by Assassins. She was born and bred alongside death. That means she has very little moral standing as well as little emotional range. She was taught that love, trust, and friendship were things that could be, and would be used against her. Luna has no threads of friendship but she values her ties to her family and it can be called love. Intimacy is not a form she is comfortable with. She has not given her body to anyone, because her tribe values a life mate. One mate for all the days you live. If your life mate dies, often the pair bond is broken. In rare cases, it is possible to find another. Luna does not believe that she has a life mate. She uses her body as a weapon when necessary, as it is a powerful tool.
Luna is loyal, almost to a fault. She would do anything to protect her family, and adheres to her contacts privacy. If asked an opinion, she will give an honest answer and is known to be blunt sometimes harshly so. She is known to be very stubborn and can hide her emotions behind a well-mannered facade. She has the potential to be someone who cares about other people unconditionally. It is just getting past her defences; most will not even try, as it is too much of a hassle. She is calm and rational, logical and intelligent. She has an eidetic memory and has traveled the world learning many many things, outside if this she is very disciplined.
<b>Powers:</b> Luna is a Psionic. <b>Psionics</b> is the study and/or practice of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. There are many layers to Psionics, like peeling back an onion. Being that she is a true Psionicist, she has a growing number of talents in this field.
Luna has <b>Darkness/Shadow</b> abilities. She can manipulate them to her will, for defensive and offensive purposes.
Her last power is <b>wind manipulation.</b> Like Darkness and Shadow, it can be used offensively and defensively.
<b>Talents:</b> <b>Shunkō</b> also known as Flash Cry is an advanced technique that combines hand-to-hand combat with Kidō. Essentially this technique uses Chi to protect the body from hits and magical based attacks, lessening the damage done by an assault.
<b>Hohō</b> A technique that allows the user agility and extreme speed, Hohō
can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training.
Luna is a <b>Taijutsu</b> and <b>Ninjutsu</b> master, as well as an advanced weapons specialist. Her style of fighting is hand-to-hand combat, meant to shatter bones and she uses her body as a weapon. However, if she chooses to use a weapon other than herself, she prefers her Nodachi.
50" Blade, 4/8"
Huge 68" Overall Length.
Cloth Wrapped Handle.
<b>Kusarigama</b> “chain-sickle' is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) on a metal chain (manriki) with a heavy iron weight at the end. Though the Kusarigama is derived from a farmer's scythe, and though the sickle was often carried as a weapon during the feudal era of Japan, these farmers did not carry Kusarigama. Its purpose as a weapon was obvious, so unlike a sickle, it could not be carried openly. The art of handling the Kusarigama is called Kusarigamajutsu.
<b>Other ninja weapons.</b>
<b>Weaknesses:</b> Mortal weapons, excluding swords, daggers or any bladed weapon unless charmed will not hurt her, especially guns, can severely harm Luna. She is a demon; such weapons will do her great harm. Demon weapons will not.
She hates small places, cages, or being restricted to a certain area or place.
People in general.
Imp demons.
<b>Likes:</b> Hunting-her term for assassinations, fighting, Stark, Food-especially sweet things, night time, the moon, wolves, most Supernaturals, learning, creativity and a gaggle of other things.