Age; Nineteen
Orientation; Straight
Race; Elementist
Famous quote; [Unknown]
Abilities; Elements/Shapeshifting
Personality; Smooth, sarcastic and daring, this guy is really fun to hang out with, he loves jokingly teasing. He treats everyone like a friend, but is often mistaken as a flirt. He loves being outside, and he hates junk food, he prefers fresh fruit.
Bio; Azul was daddy's little boy, he always followed his father, until at age three, when all his attention went to Rosalina. Rosalina this, Rosalina that, for seven years he suffered his father always asking him where she is, like he would care! He loved his sister all the less.. but.. he became blamed for stuff that Rosalina did, how she went past her curfew. His father became a totally different man! Angered by this, he confronted Rosalina and without thinking, he yelled at her for everything, how it was all her fault. Sometimes later, he ran away into the forest, where he lived and discovered his powers. He finished learning the earth element, then going to local libraries and studying the world of elements, he stumbled upon a demon philosophy. There is this certain demon that possesses off a person and feeds off their feelings, making the person totally different. The person often changes to what the demon wants, which was in this case, his father. Flustered by his past mistakes, he made his journey back home, only to be welcomed by his sobbing mother, explaining that a day after Rosalina left, his father was found dead in the kitchen. He was broken at this point, setting out once more and researched about the demons out there and since Rosalina was missing, he set out to find her. Two years later he found her at a university, uniting with his sister. He now trains her with elements and hunts demons, outraged by his father's death caused by one.