tears stream down face,smiles more-
I TRULY promise you,Jade. This is the last night I ever doubt something as strong as your love..I'm not the broken girl I once was anymore..I'm healed..I feel..I feel like I can live again because of you! You are my hope..My only hope,and my true love.. The man I chose to sleep beside everynight..The one I love to wake up to in the morning..THIS will happen,Jade. We WILL get married in real life.WE WILL! -shakes head and smile widens- We'll be together forever..Yes we fight sometimes,but who doesn't?..It's made us stronger!
You are everything..You've been everything to me since the night I met you! I don't have to pretend to be perfect anymore..I don't have to pretend being someone I'm not..I can be Brandi around you,because I know you love her! You love me.-cries- And I love Jade,I love him for who he is more than everything.
Nothing is ever going to tear us apart again,and God forbid if something does we won't be apart for long..I'll always come back to you..Always come back to your arms..Always you..
Forever?..It does mean nothing to me,because forever will never be long enough.
God loves me,because he gave me the one thing I never expected to have..
He gave me a reason to live,you made me realize I am useful..You made me realize I needed better,and now I have it..!! I have you!
I love you..I really do..
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