Alright, so this has like been
my first Diary entry up to yet yeah.
Today, has been the best day of my lifeee.
Went to sleep at about 11am cause I don't
sleep through the night, then woke up at 3 to a text.
So I was texting untill something like 6pm from then.
I finally got my girlyyy Pariss and i LOVE her. (:.
Since then I've been on Wii Sports all day. xD
Damn i totally rawkk at Boxing & Tennis. :'D.
Hit me up later yeahh. Picture took today over there. -->
Alright, I'll end it at that. Blehh Talk to meee. (:
my first Diary entry up to yet yeah.
Today, has been the best day of my lifeee.
Went to sleep at about 11am cause I don't
sleep through the night, then woke up at 3 to a text.
So I was texting untill something like 6pm from then.
I finally got my girlyyy Pariss and i LOVE her. (:.
Since then I've been on Wii Sports all day. xD
Damn i totally rawkk at Boxing & Tennis. :'D.
Hit me up later yeahh. Picture took today over there. -->
Alright, I'll end it at that. Blehh Talk to meee. (: