Finally I don't get 160 - 200 views in my journal ; _ ;! [/happy] Last time I only got the normal amount ^ _ ^.
------------------------------------ Out of character: ------------------------------------ Life is going well, hopefully I won't fail any class this time. I still have to do Chemistry and Algebra tests, but I already got prepared in those two... at list a bit.
I miss playing Halo 2 as I did before, still, the last time I played I was even better than before - _ -;;. My levels are still within Lvl 25-30 though ^ _ ^;.
Last week I tried playing Enemy Territory ("Return to castle wolfenstein" old free multiplayer version for PC)... but couldn't do much. I suck now at it.
I heard of a new game from the Wolfenstein world coming for the new consoles and PC. I'm happy. I loved to kill Nazis, zombies and strange machines. I'll have to get a new PC I think... X _ x
If I get to play Starcraft: Ghost, UT2007, new Wolfenstein (and maybe Quake 4) I'll be uber happy. .... ha.. nothing more to say about games.

This time I made it with Gimp, like... in 25 minutes or a bit more. I hate Gimp brush settings, obviously those are not meant to draw things. *hugs his Open canvas 1.1b72 and 4.6 plus*
I made this to lose some stress yesterday... I had lots of things to do, but with good time management everything can be done. I'm still reading some "Anatomy drawing" boooks and practicing my drawings skills in my free times in school.
I'm happy with my firefox now.
I deleted Firefox 1.5beta and installed the good old 1.0.7. Then I installed my old extensions... and some others that I just found. And I'm in love with some of them ^ _____ ^ *hugs FF*.
Last time I got angry with FF 1.5 beta because of compatibility problems with lots of things. And mainly... because... after uninstalling 1.5b... it crashed the old version whenever I tried re-installing it.
I'm such a happy guy. Maybe because of pretty stupid/little things. But... those things do my life enjoyable... things like videogames, manga-anime and girls D: ... and things that do my life easier. Aside from that.. there are other things (but are a secret) XD.
Side note: If I die within the next 10 years, I want to haunt Yui XD.
-------------------------- ------------------------------------ In character: ------------------------------------ I'll be moderating more now (yay! XD twisted ). I need to get more experience with some kinds of thread movings (some have TOS violations or unaccepted things for the site). The confidence flows with practice. I'll try shaking my fingers a bit more.
Heh, the whole event ended being a bit chaotic. Errors and lag drove me out of it. Sorry for not hanging with you people.
PS: No ETE, no te voy a dar mis items XD. No voy a salirme de Gaia.