Name:Viper Hoshigo
Family:akastuki/hoshigo clan
Viper was born a hafe vampire of triplets, but her two other sisters were pure blooded. But somehow as she aged she became more of a vampire. When she was 6 her castle was under attack and she and her sisters were taken away and sent to different villages. Viper and her sisters had there memories token away by there guardians so they could live normal lives. When Viper(a.k.a Kurai Uzumaki) was 13 she ran away from her village because she had a bloodlust and bit her step-brother Naruto Uzumaki and was lost in the forest for 4 days until Pein the akastuki leader found her but he thought she was dead because she was back in her vampire form but as he studied her he saw her chest moving up and down and knew she was breatheing so he took her to the akatsuki bass. When she woke up she was in a very dark room and she thought she was dead until hidan came in to check on her and was shocked to see she was awake, and she just staring at him. When he saw that she had red eyes he knew right there that she was a vampire and went to go tell Pein. Pein thought that she could be very helpful to them so he told hidan to take her to his village so that she could finish becoming a ninja. The longer she was there with them she was more use to them but mostly Hidan. When she had been there for a year now she and hidan started to date when she was 14 and started a family together when Viper was 20 and Hidan was 22. There childern in order from oldest to youngest are: Hadon24, Vapor20, Vamp19, J.J.17, and the twins Darhk and Seith13. She also got her memories back about being a vampire when she was 18 and now knows about her whole family and nows were they live but she is to scared to see if there still alive. One of her cousins Light,the only one she knows is alive, wacthes out for her 24/7 and she gets well mad at him all the time. But her dream is to show people that she is not a monster and live without thinking people what her dead.