now my ideas for today is the election canidate hillary clinton. now i couldn't vote for hillaty hey i'm not sexist or anything but like she is ******** an ugly a** canidate, hey that's my opinion but if Hillary was like angelina jolie hot then probably she'd get my vote because if angelina jolie went to iraq se would have her veil on but people would say "why are you wearing that?" her answer will be "i'm respecting your culture" then they would say "******** our culture take you're clothes" then she will say only if we have peace" then they would say "yeah, yeah ok now take your clothes off." but if hillary clinton took her clothes off then the world will be in hell where everyone is killing eachother. one dude will say "why you killing him" the other dude will say "i can't see my ******** eyes i can't see!!!"
Total Value: 436,580 Gold After Exclusions: 428,142 Gold help me out
dude my eyes would dissintegrate in to dust if hilary did that angelina in the other hand thats different goood different lol
yelloweyedsaberwolf Community Member
Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:12pm
i think i just puked a little in my mouth thinking about nude hillary thanks man now im going to have nightmares and have to go see a counseler burning_eyes