72) Are you bored yet? Yessssssssssssssssssss
73) How much gold do you have now?: 3.7k
74) What's your mood?: Tired, excited, and bored =D
75) Do you think you'll finish the quiz?: Hopefully blaugh
~ This or That ~
76) Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate by FAR
77) Soda or milk?: Milk cheese_whine
78 ) Code Red or Limewire?: WATER IS BETTER o.o
79) Coke or pepsi?: Coke, but they both taste the same lol
80) Soda or juice?: Juiccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce
81) Candy or fruit? Fruityby FAR mrgreen
82) Watermelon or strawberry?: Strawberry, but iuno why they call it STRAWberry, it doesn't have a straw in it D:
83) Breakfast or dinner?: Dinner
84) Food or beverage?: Well you can't survive without both can we?
85) Cake or pie?: cake =D
86) Rural or Urban?? Urbaaaaan
87) Eat or sleep?: Both scream
88 ) Yes or no?: or Maybe so?
89) PC games or video games?: PC games cuz some of my friends are on here o.o
90) Computer or TV?: Computer twisted
91) Holiday or "snow-day"?: HOLIDAY
92) Summer or Winter?: Winterrrr
93) Spring or Fall?: Falll
94) iPod or MP3 player?: Ipod
95) Gaia gold or Gaia items?: Gaia gold, cuz you get items when you spend it... duh...
96) DVD or VHS?: I don't use VHS nemore, o.O
97) Theater or home theater?: Home theater ninja
98 ) Cats or dogs?: Cats 3nodding
99) Inside or outside?: Inside xD
100) Morning or night?: Night
101) Black or white?: white.
102) Love or money?: MONEH MONEH MONNNNEH burning_eyes
103) Clothes shopping or electronic shopping?: Neither eek
104) French or Italian?: French
105) English or American?: American rofl..
106) German or Oriental?: Iuno >.>
107) Quizzes or polls?: Quizzes
108 ) Items or money?: Money.. MONEH MONEH MONEHHH mrgreen
109) Boys or girls?: Boys xD
110) Friends or family?: UH UH UH UH Neither =D, I can't decide D:
111) Wrestling or boxing?: psssh, wrastling. o.O
112) Basketball or football?: Football.
113) Softball or baseball?: Softball is more fun to watch o.o
114) Tennis or swimming?: SWIMMING! MICHAEL PHELPS! EEEEEEP!
115) Fat or thin?: thin xD
116) Short or tall?: Shorttt
117) Horror or fantasy?: Fantasy o.o
118 ) Comedy or drama?: COMEDY BAI FARRRRR
119) Rich or Poor?: MONEH MONEH MONEHHHHHHHHH mrgreen exclaim mrgreen burning_eyes mrgreen exclaim
120) Rain or Snow?:Snow
121) Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: LORD OF THE RINGS! mine mine mine...MINE precious..
122) Star Wars or Star Trek?: Star wars xD COME ON GUYS! THATS WERE ALL THESE KOOL MOVIES STARTED!!!
123) Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts? biggrin unkin Donuts... I don't like donuts tho xp
124) Sunny or Foggy?: Foggggy
125) Monopoly or Life?: I'd rather have my own life, gawsh..
126) Movies or shows?: Blah, both o.o
127) TV or reading?: Neither xD
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