You know, life isn't the best thing in the world. There are times in your life when you just feel dead. Sometimes, when you clean your room, or the attic, or just something from a long time ago it can bring back good memories or bad. You may see someone you loved who passed away, or maybe you see an old friend. Perhaps, you find something that makes you laugh, or makes you cry. For packrats this can be considered a bad thing. Being a teenager I have memories, to be honest a lot of them, this can be bad too. Sometimes we think that if only I was back to that time I could've done this better, or stood up to this person, etc. Sometimes, memories can hurt you, like kill you on the inside. Sadly there is no real cure for bad memories, or happy memories. You know what? there is no such thing as bad memories or happy memories. There is just memories, and truthfully, there is just life. You can live it anyway you want. You can treat it like hell or like heaven. Your choice.