well, most of my day was fine, but then came v-ball. i didnt want to go, beacuse of some....issues(girls, u may know what im talking about) but i did. well it went fine until we started our practice game, which was when i missed the ball, and got yelled at. my eyes started to tear, and then they(the yellers) seemed to care(like i belived them)well the rest of the game went smothly. then it was time to walk home. so i had to pass a few popular girls, and one guy. they started making fun of me. i walked by, preatendiong to take no notice, then as i was walking away, i heard them making fun of MY NAME!!!!i got to the end of a walk way, and remembered that i had rode my bike, so i had to wlk past b***h, b***h and bichette, and the guy(son of a b***h[who's had 6-7 heart surgeries, u'd think he'd be nicer, but noooo])lucily they didnt say anything. then i started to ride home, and my bag started choaking me when i sterted walking my bike to get past a steep area. and when i threw it over my fence(yes, my fence does face the street), it hooked on to my arm, and it was heavy, so it pullled down.
i've decided the world is against me? what do you think?
skyhealer Community Member |
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