heres another picture I did for advanced art! I want to photo shop it but just haven't found the time so sorry folks I only have the rough draft for ya.

Sasook and I had this idea while at an art gallery to create these, ummm, rabbit like creatures whose life force was within the instruments they carry... This little guy would be considered a warrior troubador!!!!!!

One of my characters in halloween decor.... Dis is just the result of morbid boredom.

This was created for no reason.... It was just a fun sketch... It kinda reminds me of Infinite undiscovery but only a little.

cover art for a non exsistent manga!!!! (at the moment)

shirt design for the prairie pig at post falls high school.

a pic I did last year and stuffdy.

Logo design for the roboteknix club

Avi art for sasook.