Mood- 3nodding
I think I have alot to say. And most of it I can't remember. But I'll do my best.
I had an...epiphany? Is that what you call it? Whatever, scew big words. I had a realization. For awhile, I'll probably get teary eyed when I hear the song "Neon Moon."
Well, we had our second playoff game Saturday in the afternoon. I managed to get off work and go. I don't think I mentioned this, but I'm part of the "Belly Brigade." Basically, it's a long line of girls with a letter painted on their stomach, and, when we're in the right order, we spell "Touchdown." I'm the 'U'. People are extremely shocked when they hear this. I guess I don't strike people as the kind of person who reveals their stomach to hundreds of people. But whatever. I'll do just about anything for our football team. Those are my boys out there. We won the game, by the way. Woooo!
Friday we were going out of town to eat at some new Mexican restraunt, and my car had a flat. Luckily, I wasn't driving, my dad was, so dad drove for awhile until we found a tiny road to turn into and put the spare on. It might have been a blowout, 'cause the tire was shredded. So, on Sunday, we went to Wal-Mart and had a new tire put on, and my baby got an oil change, too. So, my Camry's just about good as new. Yeah, my baby's a '98 Toyota Camry. Tan in color, I do believe. Well, this silverish-tan. I really don't know.
Anyways, before we went to Wal-Mart, guess what movie my mom and I saw.
I've read all the books, so I kinda had to see the movie. Don't you dare call me a fangirl, though. The movie was alright. Bella blinked too much and Edward looked like the lead singer from The Cure. But Alice was just adorable!
Today in Theatre Arts our teacher wasn't there, so we had a substitute. Our assignment for the day was to watch Yellow Submarine and answer questions about it. Yes, that is the acid-trip Beatles movie, for those of you that were wondering. I totally loved it, but most of the people were all "wtf." I'm a huge Beatles fan. I actually had a button on my jacket of Submarized Paul. I had John on my jacket, too, but Caleb stole it. And I have a Ringo somewhere, that I'm gonna let Kayli borrow. But I can't find George...
Anyways, I had another realization. Maybe, now, everytime I hear "Neon Moon," I'll sorta smile.
I guess we'll just see what happens.
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