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my name is ginia
not a joke..i am realy going insane its scareing me
Sean says:
i cant tickle you?
ginia says:
you can i geuss
Sean says:
*tickles you in innocent places only* o.o
ginia says:
ginia says:
i realy think i should give up on love
Sean says:
well im sorry but your confusing me now too...
ginia says:
nothing dude i need something
Sean says:
like what?
ginia says:
Sean says:
like real medicine or you mean weed?
ginia says:
i mean crazy pills cus i can feal myself going crazy
ginia says:
or depresssion pills w/e
Sean says:
ginia says:
you know those times where s**t is too ******** up and you are haveing a mental break down and cant stop laughing and your own emoceans crumbleing apart inside thats how i am atm but i cant laugh
Sean says:
im sorry hun
ginia says:
not your falt i just realy ******** up and brandon dosent even know how i feal about it and he wont beleive me and my ex boyfrien d is soooo nice and im sooo cunfused
Sean says:
=/ *hugs*
ginia says:
*hugs back*
ginia says:
i cheeted on brandon last friday and i was drunk and i would nevr touch him in perverted ways if i was sober and brandon wont get this and i realy do love him i have for almost a year now and i never wont and he just wont get this
Sean says:
ginia says:
ginia says:
Sean says:
it just sucks, i know this is really messing you up and i dont like that
ginia says:
oh...well its alright dont worry about me
Sean says:
cant help it =/
ginia says:
Sean says:
ginia says:
*hugs back*
Sean says:
what are you up to?
ginia says:
talking to this guy,you?
Sean says:
same as before, about to get a snack though
ginia says:
Sean says:
o.o im bored *gives you a cookie*
ginia says:
god damnit it is more than 500 words -.-
Sean says:
ginia says:
ginia says:
you know how you can only typer sertal about of leters/wprds in coments or w/e in places?
ginia says:
mavvy i cant sleep
ginia says:
im going insane
Sean says:
no idea what you said, sorry
ginia says:
Sean says:
your just in a hard place *hugs*
ginia says:
*hugs back* no i think its the end
Sean says:
dont say that gin
ginia says:
no i so broken hearted i cant ******** cry
ginia says:
here is what i just wrote without thinking cus i found this pic in an arena that says :i will love you" and it had ttear stains...
ginia says:
you cant fall out of love easaly...cus love is the most beutiful thinkg in the world when you get it right you will know but entell then you just have to keep testing out people to see if thay are the one you are ment for...but the truth is its not always going to be real on the other end and you will get fuc*ed over most of the time but mabey one day it will be real and who knows it might be som
ginia says:
someone you never expected so keep your choices open and dont give in too easaly hold off and see if it is realy love thay are after,and please dont reject people cus how thay look cus its the insides that count and we all know it...we just dont want to ammit it becouse humans are too stuck up to nodess alot of things and that inciudes that you can fall inlove with whoever no matter what sex or ha
ginia says:
sex or harratage or there style it is just who you arer and how well you are with the other person

ginia says:
mavvy...i need a docter i can feal my insides dieing
Sean says:
gin, i bet brandon still loves you
ginia says:
i know he does but i cant take it he dosent beleive me
ginia says:
and i haveingbhis brothers child im almost posative i am
Sean says:
he probably does believe you deep down
ginia says:
no he wont beleive me he thinks i was cheeting on him on perpous
ginia says:
i cant tate it i just cant i want to overdose and lose all the pain but i cant for the children's sake i just cant live and i cant die and i just cant take it
Sean says:
have you told him that him not believing you is doing this?
ginia says:
ginia says:
i cant tell him he will think im crazy and leave me for sure
Sean says:
well you told me and i dont think your crazy, i think he would understand
ginia says:
no he wont mavvy hes not as understanding as you
Sean says:
has he forgiven you at all for it?
ginia says:
yes he would forgive me for anything he is inlove with me or atleast he says he is
Sean says:
well then why do you think he wont understand that him not believing you is hurting you?
ginia says:
becouse he thinks i did it on ourpouse to make him jellous so hed dump shena quicker but thats not the truth he iis just thinking too muth or too little idk
Sean says:
people arent perfect gin....he loves you, and he forgives you w/e the reason, that may be the best you can get
ginia says:
ok...but ,avvy im ******** going insane i can feal it im resisting but i cant for longer
Sean says:
hes making a mistake just like you did gin, he still loves you and it doesnt mean he doesnt trust you
ginia says:
...ive never cheeted on him befor and he knows that and evverytime we broke up the first time i broke up with him becouse i wasent ready for that sereous of a relationshit then after that it was always him...he needs to realise that i wont always be here for him however it may seam like i will and i may want to but if he cant keep with me and love me thenn the best thing for me to do is get out of
ginia says:
his life for good and trust me i dont want to do that he means so mutch to me...but yeah he realy ******** up alot
Sean says:
well he probably needs to think about it just like you did
ginia says:
i knew i ******** up the next morrnin g imeditaly and i called him and appilogized completly and he just blew me off
Sean says:
guys dont do well with that kind of info
ginia says:
i know but if he was realy inlove with me he would realise im realy inlove with him and accept it
Sean says:
im sure he's trying to, if he had done the same wouldnt you need to calm down about it first?
ginia says:
yeah id be pissed but if he was as ******** up as i was i would see thay he was sorry becouse i was on my knees beging for forgiveness im so ******** inlove with him its not kool i just wish i can rember this when i am ******** up cus he knows when im ******** up all i can think about is sex cus im a nympho (sex addict) and he knows that and i am rwealy ******** inlove with him,i would l8ive the rest of m
ginia says:
my life with out ******** anybody if he would just realise how mutch i need him and howmutch im inlove with him
Sean says:
well maybe he just needs more time gin, you cant ever give up, theres always a chance
ginia says:
yeah i know but i just canyt deal with all of this
Sean says:
its not just on you, im sure he's argueing with himself about it, he has to get himself together on how he feels about it
ginia says:
he dosent know the half of it and i need him right now but i cant leave the house and his grand parents will bitchh me out if i call this late
Sean says:
he doesnt have a cell or anything?
ginia says:
no cell he has a home phone and he dosent live too far away
ginia says:
i cant leave the house now or my dad would hurt me and i cant do this
Sean says:
youll be okay gin, he loves you
ginia says:
you know mabey im not going insane mabey those pills are just kicking in and its a horable trip...O.O
ginia says:
how do you know
Sean says:
what did you take?
ginia says:
you can never be sure about anything
ginia says:
some pills max gave me
Sean says:
they probably are having an effect
ginia says:
htay would of prob wore off by now
ginia says:
mavvy am i alowed to call you?
ginia says:
Sean says:
lol, why would that help?....im not him...
ginia says:
becouse i love you alot and i can ytrust you and i need someone
Sean says:
why do you want to call me?
ginia says:
becouse you are awesome and i realy do want to talk to somebody not over comp cus i dont know what im typeing anymore
Sean says:
idk gin
ginia says:
please mavvy
ginia says:
i promiise i will only call if i ask befor hand
ginia says:
i would nevr hurt you or stalk you in a noon jokeing way so you dont have to worry about any of that
Sean says:
i know, but you shouldnt be talking to me when your having troubles with your bf
ginia says:
mavvy please i dont care i realy need something to remind me im alive the sound of the keybord isent realy helping
ginia says:
music wont help eather
ginia says:
i just forget it is there
ginia says:
im going insane i can ******** feal it
Sean says:
ginia says:
ginia says:
i need your number then
ginia says:
ok i realy am i couldent walk normal just then...O.o
ginia says:
im freaking out
Sean says:
*im not a jackass im blocking his number*
ginia says:
ginia says:
i cant make myself speak alot O.o i can feal it takeing me in and i cant let that heppen
Sean says:
okay, what do you want to do then?
ginia says:
i dont know i need my life back this darkneess is takeing it over and i cant resist mutch longer
Sean says:
idk what to do or say gin, but people love you, you arent alone
ginia says:
yes i am alone if brandon realy cared hed be here and nobody kows the pain ive been trough...i havent even told my mom who i tell almost everything to...thay all dont know me and thay never will
Sean says:
they love you anyway and would help if you asked
ginia says:
tghay cant help me nobody can my soul is being tooken over my this darkness and i cant resist longer i cant do it i need to and im trying my hardest but i just cant
Sean says:
you can gin, i believe you can
ginia says:
soon the darkness will takee over a i wont be myself i will be ii dont kow but i wont be me i can never be whop i was soposed to be i will never add up to anything
Sean says:
yes you will, you can always do something with youself
Sean says:
your a good person gin
ginia says:
no i cant the darkness will come over me it has already started ti i can feal it i know its comeing i cant resist anylonger it will takeover my life soon
ginia says:
he was the only hope i had left and i dident even know it my heart is detereateing and i can feal it its working my way into my soul i will never be myself i cant be i cant resist anymore the darkness is going to get me and soon it will grow and start to get others...
ginia says:
the darkn3ess will take over and i cant stop it anymore
ginia says:
trying so hard to resist i cant stand it im shakeing and i can feal it it is trying to tsake over
ginia says:
soon i will have to let it ill have to choice
Sean says:
gin, just believe in him, trust him
ginia says:
i cant he is going to make it completly die i need him more than he knows if i have him the darkness cant take over and i can rase them good omg thay will be so happy but the darkness wants it to all mess up he wont take me over i cant let him
Sean says:
gin, you can do it, trust me
ginia says:
i can try but nobody can compete with the darkness everyioone exposed to the demons will never be able to im just some useless soiul put outbto try to fight him butb he always wins i cant do it the darkness is goping to take over
Sean says:
your not useless
Sean says:
you matter
ginia says:
put up a stronger fight than the others but i cant anymore there are few of us left we need more we need to be stronger i cant fight him anylonger
Sean says:
gin, you are going to be okay, you arent alone, your mom loves you, your friends love you, brandon loves you
ginia says:
its geting cold the wampth of my soul is geting tooken over i can feal it he dosent want to wait anylomnger he wants to take over but i cant let him i cant i need to fight him
Sean says:
go talk to your mom gin
ginia says:
shes asleep i cant bother her
Sean says:
you need someone and i cant help from here, im sorry
ginia says:
dont be sorry its not your falt its his he shouldent of been myy choice as a savior i should of known better...
Sean says:
you do now, and youll be okay
ginia says:
i cant be ok my soul wad the sacrofice to save him i cant do it i cant live with no love i need a savor im going to die
ginia says:
ive been saved too many times its my time to go i cant hold on anymore
Sean says:
no its not your time
ginia says:
yes it is he has told me i need to he has said that ii have too and i try to resist but i cant anymore
ginia says:
the lost ones need my help he has demanded i go
ginia says:
i try to resist and he just trys harder he wont let me live im about to gove in thay are stoping me and thay better not die being born thay aree our SAVIORS
ginia says:
thay will save us all
ginia says:
from the darkness that prevails thayy will be the ones to save us
ginia says:
all of us even the ones touched by the demons i am the sacrofice i need to go help them becouse im the strongest but i need st stay here to keep them alive i cant do both the darkness ants me to die so thsay die but thay will save us all i cant do it
ginia says:
he was once all i needed not hes trying to take over he wasd my only true friend but i geuss that all ******** you oiver in the end
Sean says:
gin i dont think i can help you, you have to help yourself and be your own savior, you have it inside of you, but i have to go
ginia says:
no i dont hes drained all my powrs
ginia says:
i cant fight him hes has the striongest powwers the power of love was all i had to fight back with and i dont have that anymore he can take it so easaly the most powerful things are tyhe easyest things to lose
ginia says:
he will woiin he has my powers and to took thwe others too he cant do this to them thay will fix the world i can feal it
ginia says:
thay are the saviors thay wont know it tell thay descover on there own i descovered too erly and hes makeing me pay for my mistakes just like my father did he takeing advantage of my only feals i have feft hes takeing it all away so i wont be mysel;f i need to be myself i need to savve them i need to help our savors there inside of mme i can feal it i must save them im all hope has left
ginia says:
if i cant ddo it then we are all going too die he is going to take over and he will kill them...all of them...even the strongest of the angels wont be able to hold on and resist im stronger than them thats why he chose me to cary the saviors...i have the strongest chance iof serviveing him ive done it befor i healed up now hes trying again...he'll never understand im stronger than him me and the
ginia says:
others will hold him back long enuff for our saviors too be born but we cant tell them thay have to learn...thay are destaned to save us i just knowe it i can feal them thay arnt regular humans thay are the gods sent to save us from the darkness
ginia says:
i can feal it i know we can hold on atlease long enuff for them to be bornmight not end up how i want it to where it is easy for them but its there destany wearther i xcan seerv it tell thay are old enuff to know or now
ginia says:
i have to save them so thay can save us all
Sean says:
i need to goto sleep, is that okay now?
ginia says:
O.O =*( please dont go mavvy
ginia says:
i need you you are the only thing saveing me from the darkness

Sean says:
i cant stay on the phone all night gin
ginia says:
um okm i geuss ill try to resist tell morrbning without help from another
Sean says:
would it be okay if i just stayed talking on here?
ginia says:
but if the darkness takes over me im sorry i geuss i wasent strong enuff
ginia says:
um ok i geuss
Sean says:
just we have like the smallest time plan for a family and i dont think it would last
ginia says:
its ok mavvy go ahead and tekk me bye and s**t its alright ive goten over his roughest strike sence iui was little
ginia says:
ill be able to make it tell it is light out and he has no where as mytch power
ginia says:
except useing other humans to wish hes take me becouse he knows what i cant stand and he knows how to ruin it all
ginia says:
the darkness is starting to back down he knows what is going on im stronger thqaan him he cant keep my powers for long im gaining them back and i know once i atleast get half of my powers i can take him down
Sean says:
good, im glad that youll be okay now gin
ginia says:
yeah you helped me alot the dakness just needed to here that someone loved me may niooght have been the person he wanted but he got someone and its almost morrning so he cant hold my pwers that longer
ginia says:
the darkness cant attac k you if you know that people need you and love you that is whats been stoping him from completly takeing over mavvy youcve been saveing me and so have the need to help these things in my stomach
ginia says:
thay will have a good life and i hope the darkness dosent effect them anywhere neer as bad as hes goten me
ginia says:
most of them would be dead i am the origanal savior and he knows it thats why hes trying so hard i can stop him
ginia says:
its my destany
ginia says:
i have to hold off the darkness long enuff for our newer stronger saviors to become realaty
ginia says:
i should of desided to ******** the demon erlyer than this so the darkness wouldent be so strong but i dident know him and we all need to know what to do i realy need to think more often but i have to save them becouse nobody elnce can,nobody elnce can even try im the strongest of us there is thats why he attacks me the strongest
ginia says:
i under stand it all and hes finaly backing down but i wont be able to resist him next time enless i have the power of another i cant hold him bac...you saved them and me mavvy...you mean aloot to me and you mean alot to the whole world dude i realy mean it he would of goten trought if you wernt here
Sean says:
well i got lucky i guess
ginia says:
there is no sutch thing as luck in this world there is only good evil and faith/destany thay are what we falow by and we never accualy make our own choices mavvy...the creators do thay decide it all
ginia says:
its like we are dolls in there sick wisted game that thay call life
ginia says:
ginia says:
our lifes are all planed out like immaganary games that jessy and me used to always play...it all makes sence mavvy no matter what you do you will always be a ******** up cus you dont make the choices you abid by rules that are set for you and if you break them the darkness will get you
ginia says:
and you will be gone forever and come back in another homan and try to fix your mistakes or you just get trown into there toybox never to be seen again
ginia says:
i think i beet him cus he isent watching me and screaming and hiting me anymore i think he fiinaly went away
ginia says:
but i still dont get why me i realy am confused mavvy

User Comments: [4] [add]
kenny - the Fire Slayer
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 11:02pm
... I think Mavvy is right... you should give the boy sometime to get used to the idea... forgiveness isn't only a magical word that undo things nor makes everything cool again... it take time to heal a couple of wounds... And if he really loves you, he'll truelly forgieve you and one day things will be cool again. And honestly, talk to your mother... at least you'll have to take some exams to garantee the baby is fine... if there is really a baby growing inside of you...

commentCommented on: Thu Nov 13, 2008 @ 08:06pm
ewwy i cant think of it growing inside of me that sounds sooooo gross O.o

Community Member
kenny - the Fire Slayer
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 16, 2008 @ 01:22am
well...we're mammals, and you're a female mammal... and if you want to give birth someday, you'll have to get used to this idea, because that's how it happens... see, you weren't prepared for that afterall...

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 16, 2008 @ 10:18pm
i just dont think about it being not part of me lolz <3 i never think about like what is going on i just say itsd happening oohwel lolz

Community Member
User Comments: [4] [add]
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