name:Queen Angel Star
senshi name: None is not one of them.
Aliases surprised nly her family, the Moon kingdom and Earth Kingdom.
age:Same as Queen Serenity
Astrological Sign:unknown
Blood Type: Royal Blood Line pass down to her only
Favorite color: White Gold
Hobbies:Reading,keep her planet safe, dancing, Teaching her Child how to do things right.
Favorite Gemstone:Spectrolite a type of ((Labradorite))
Strong Point: can all ways make a good point no mater what. is a strong wiled person. knows the right thing to say.
Has Trouble with:just with not being able to tell her daughter about her father. or how to keep her Daughter in line with the royal ways.
Height:about 6 foot at most
Special Powers:you will have to find out in the rps.
Favorite Subject:Reading
Least Favorite Subject:any thing to do with magic
Favorite Food:earth sweets
Least Favorite Food:spicy food
senshi appearance:Has None
regular appearance:

anything else:is the Queen of Star Rainbow Kingdom and has never been a Sailor Scout.