HI PPL !!! hey have u guys ever heard this poem?... Yesturday is history , today is a mystery ,2morrow will be a gift that is y its called the present . .... hehe srry for ppl who know it becouse mybe thats not correct... i was thinking y do ppl say its bad when u brake a mirror ... y would u even get 7 years of bad luck? my conclusion is .. he he u might laugh at my weirdness but maybe the mirrior reflection of u is a other u in a diffrent world .. so when someone breakes a mirrior one of the you s that r in a other world died so then when its finally ur time to die it meant that a other u in a other world broke that mirrior that was the one that dicided when u where going to die . THAT IS MY WAY OF THINKING OF IT LOL . biggrin