[This review is regarding the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3 versions, as they are all the same.]

This will not be a very elaborate review, as I rate games based on the qualities that the gamers look into, in the place of a 10 paragraph wall of text no one actually reads.
Graphics: 9
- The graphics are pleasant, but at the same time creepy. Could have been better.
Sound: 10
- Are you kidding me? The game narrates through sound, the music is a great addition to the overall mood, you just have to be there to realize its awesome-ness.
Story: 9
- Yea, it isn't that great, moving on to one little sister to another. But the plot is intriguing to say the least.
Originality: 10
- It is underwater. Can you ask for more?
Enemy/Comrade AI: 7
- I had no problem getting half-way in hard mode. No deaths. I know, it isn't that impressive. But lays there one flaw; the Big Daddies will rape you. Even if you 'rok teh shoks ballz.'
Control/Gameplay: 9
-I saw the control scheme as one of the best; gameplay-wise, what is there to do in shooters? That's right. Shoot things. That is basically all you d- Just kidding. Hack things, collect tonics and plasmids to eliminate your enemies -- using the environment. Hacking was really hard for me, as I feel really pressured when timed. There lay another flaw; they like the game to revolve around killing Big Daddies and either harvesting or rescuing the little sisters.
Occasional Glitch: 10
- I have encountered 'zero' glitches.
Environment: 6
- They are desperately stressing the fact that it is underwater, just so you would ignore the boring rusted-steel corridors being covered up.
Multiplayer: 8
- No multiplayer, which after playing Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3, I see as a good thing.
Fun factor/Replay value: 7
- Nothing beats scavenging for health kits and ammo. That sets it back on the fun. If you liked the game, it's likely that you've already replayed it. Maybe several times. Enlighten me.
All in all, I didn't enjoy BioShock too much. Others did, I can see why, but it didn't do it for me. I didn't like it back then, but during the review a thought came into my mind: play this again. So I'll borrow it and beat it once again in time for #2. I Don't think it deserves all the praise it's getting, but nonetheless a good game.
SCORE: 8.5