The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies.
[Episode 1: The Guild's Beginning]
In the Port of Gambino of Gaia....
Two teens just got off a ship and are on an adventure to find the infamous guild called the Crazies. One girl named Indy was so excited about seeing a beautiful view of a city.
"Whooaaaaa!!!! This place is soooo AWESOME!!" she yelled.
"Wow, you're right. This place is soo rad." said her companion, named Ranny. "but enough sight seeing, we have to find the guild before we become broke. Again." Ranny dragged Indy to find the guild they are looking for.
As they passed through the Port and entered Barton Town, Indy found a child being bullied by three punks.
"Ranny!! Those three punks are bullying a little kid.>,>"
Ranny turned around to look. She rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, we'll help the kid."
Indy smiled and Larnee just started yelling, which made people look. " HEY YOU!! GET YOUR UGLY BUTTFACES AWAY FROM THAT KID!!"
The three punks turned around and yelled back. "WHAT THE ******** YOU WANT YOU, OLD HAG!!"
The rumble went on for a good 3 minutes. Indy was watching with the little kid.
"Whoa. You are so cool." said the little kid.
Ranny made a face. "Not cool, I'm rad." And then she winked.
Ranny and Indy said bye to the kid and coninuted their journey through the town to find their guild.
After a long day of walking around on Indy's whim, Ranny tied Indy up and dragged her to a restaurant because she got hungry.
But, just as they got in, chaos was on progress.
People were fighting, things were being thrown, even people were being thrown. It went on until this blonde lady walks in right behind the two teens and started yelling and swearing.
"HEY!! KNOCK IT THE ******** OFF!! GET YOUR ASSES TOGETHER AND SHUT YOUR BACKTRAPS!! YOU SCARING OUR ******** GUESTS!!" Everyone stopped what they were doing. "Don't be afraid now, come in."
This woman freaked those two out. Ranny spoke up, "Uh, we were just looking for the Crazies Guild?"
The lady looked at them for a moment, "Oh well why didn't you just say so? You came to the right place because we are the guild! Hi I'm Sarah."
Indy butted in. "HI I'M INDY! =D THIS IS MY BUDDY, RANNY!! WE ARE ON AN ADVEN--" Ranny shoved a loaf of bread that she took from a table nearby. "We are looking for the Crazies Guild because we want to join."
"Well then, follow me."
Ranny and Indy followed Sarah to the bar counter where two women named Elly and Gil were talking stories.
"Guys, we got new members who want to join the guild."
Gil spoke first. "Hello. My name is Gil and this is Elly. We are in charge of the Crazies Guild."
Once again, Indy butted in. "HII!! I'M INDY AND THIS MY BUDDY, RANNY!! WE WANNA J----"
Another person [named Jessica] who was right next to them, chilling out, shoved a banana in Indy's moouth. "Shut up, you're so loud. >,>" Next thing they knew, she was chugging down soda, which was being kept away from a boy named Shun.
Indy was curious. "How come he cannot drink soda?"
A purple haired lady named Gamer stepped up. "He becomes crazy when he drinks soda."
Indy was like =o and then she came up with something stupid. She grabbed a bottle of soda. Everyone once again stopped what they were doing, and watch Indy.
Indy was staring at the soda and all of a sudden dashed to Shun and pour soda in his mouth as everybody panicked as Gil, Gamer, and another girl named Giggly ran to stop Indy but ti was too late. Shun went wild, destroying almost everything in the restaurant.
Sarah, and Jessica tried to pin down Shun but Shun was too hyper-active that Sarah and Jessica took it out on each other and started fighting.
And so, chaos once again began, all because Indy decided to act stupid.
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Mostly stories that I write. No offenses intended. I swear. Seriously.
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Crazy Crew is Where I Belong..

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