You live your life with the motto: safety first.
You prefer to not take any risks at all.
But by never taking a risk, you're chancing something else...
A very boring and predictable life!
Are You a Risk Taker?
What's Important to You... And What Isn't:

For you, your career is usually your number one priority.
You find getting things done to be incredibly stressful. You don't like having things to do.
Your most important priorities get your attention. You are happily able to let the less important things slide.
You want thinking to be a high priority, but you don't take enough time for yourself.
The Priority Test
You Are Cheerios

Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.
But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!
You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.
You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast.
Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...
But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!
What Kind of Cereal Are You?
What Your Feet Say About You:

You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to.
You are a very passionate person. You are highly charged and easily inspired.
You are an assertive and aggressive person. You are determined and not likely to ever give up.
You fall in love easily and develop strong bonds. You are attached to many people.
You are not easily frightened, but you have a few strong phobias.
You are very practical and down to earth. You're more concerned with action than thoughts.
You are a fairly hard worker, but you are also a little spoiled. You like indulge yourself every now and then.
You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence.
What Do Your Feet Say About You?
Your Personality at 35,000 Says...

Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking.
You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are.
Your gift is relating to other people. You don't hide from your own emotions, and you are good at drawing other people out.
You are inspired by freedom. Whenever you are able to do what you want, good things happen.
It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation.
The Personality Test at 35,000 Feet
You Should Live in the Suburbs

Like many people, you like the city - but you don't want to live in it.
For you, the suburbs is the perfect compromise.
You can enjoy the city as much as you want, but you have a quiet, safe neighborhood to come home to.
Where Should You Live?
What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.
Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.
You are often the first to try something new.
You are full of life and vigor.
You have an amazing amount energy, and you keep very active.
Some people feel like you can't focus on them. You do tend to be restless
You love to be the center of attention. You enjoy entertaining your friends.
You feel lost when no one is interested in you... You're too interesting to be ignored.
The Chocolate Oracle
What Your Front Door Says

You are intriguing and charming.
People are naturally drawn to you, even if they don't know you.
You are calm and wise. You are a true leader.
You never feel isolated in a group. Somehow, you always belong.
The Front Door Test
Your Slogan Should Be

Don't Just Cover Up Bad Odors. Get Gabrielle!
The Slogan Generator
You Are Country Music

You are friendly, down to earth, and fairly conservative.
You are true to your friends and your upbringing. Change is hard for you.
But beneath your old fashioned attitude, you are expressive and artistic in your own way.
Very few people can express pain and pleasure as eloquently as you can.
What Kind of Music Are You?
The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your ability to play and be free.
The best way for you to solve a problem is to let go of it.
Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.
Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty.
The Keys To Your Life
You Are a Pistachio

You are funky, freaky, and a total character.
You're very different than anyone you know.
There's no way you're changing the way you are...
Which is good, because no one wants you to change.
What Nut Are You?
What Your City Walk Means

You are thoughtful and contemplative. You enjoy spending time alone with your thoughts.
You are very introverted. You generally prefer quiet time by yourself to most social interactions.
Money is fairly important to you. You aren't super greedy, but you enjoy spending money on yourself.
You enjoy the world around you, and you thrive on new environments. You can be easily surrounded by natural or man made beauty.
The City Walk Personality Test
You Belong in the Silent Generation

You fit in best with people born between 1925 and 1942.
You are a person of high values and character.
Family, your country, loyalty, and hard work all important to you.
You are willing to do what's right, even when it's difficult.
What Generation Do You Belong In?