*drew swims over to* "Cool lets go."
*Nina swims to the bottom of the pond only to find that the cave had disappeared.*
"Thats weird. The cave is gone."
That is strange.
*Joy takes a deep breath and swims 2 the bottom of the lake too, then Joy returns 2 the serf-is of the water.*
"That is very strange. Hey Rith, what do u see?!"
*He swims as deep as he can to no avail*
"Hmm, I saw what you saw but now I see what you see...nothing".
*Nina looked back down at the cave. It wasn't there. She quickly swam to it and put her hand on the rocky wall. Her hand easily slid through the rock. The she quickly pulled her hand out and swam to the surface.*
"It's an illusion. We can swim right through it. Watch!"
*She swam down to the rocky wall. This time she slid her whole body into the illusion. A head popped out of the illusion. It looked like her head was growing out of the rock. Then she swam out of the illusion.*
"EEK! Don't scare me like that!!"
*Joy takes a deep breathe again & swims to the 'illusion rock'. And again swam to the surf-is again.*
"Yep, it's definitely an illusion. I can feel there's a cave behind it. A-and...umm."
*Drew just stands there in silence* "This just happens to be a drewer head quarters, its full of traps and guards if you what to go in I'll help you get in."
"I kind of guessed that. Nothing can be easy."
"Hmm, this can be his test, he gets us in and we destroy it."
*he shifts from shark to human*
"That good enough for ya?"
Sounds fine to me.
"Uh, ok. Lets go"
*Drew jumps in the water and swims down to the illusion rock and swims in*
*He pops his head in the rock to see inside and sees only Drew*
"Great this feels wrong" he whispers.
*Joy swims after Rith,*
*Joy feels the walls.*
"Uh... I can feel something behind this...wall.
Hmm. I can't feel what it is...It feels like a...weird, machine?"
*Nina swam to Joy. She felt the machine as well. Then she swam ahead of Drew,dodging a couple of traps.*
"Drewer, I am very familair with this cave. But theres something I don't understand. Why is the Morfor Machine in this cave. Is this a trap?
*Nina looked at Drew with a furious face. Then she looked at the others and could see that they were confused.*
"A morfor is something that can clone anyone and make them evil.In the process, it kills your good side. This means your dead and your new clone is roaming the earth. A machine created by drewers. Now, tell me why this machine is here.
*she looked at everyone. They were all staring at Drew.*
"Well Gorgod makes his army out of peasants, but some of them don't want to join his army, so he puts them through the morfor so they become evil and want to join his army, its a good thing I joined on my own, and mutinied on my own, I guess we found where he does it."
"Sounds reasonable."
*Nina swam ahead, leading the group.*
Boobie traps ahead. Red lazers."
*Nina swam dodging the invisible lazers. then she waited for the others.*
*He transforms into a small minnow and dodges the lazers, transforming back on the other side*
"So, we take this machine down and it delivers a good blow to his army. But we're going to have to get some info to know where to head next."
"Get a guard to talk and we can take out the machine,"
*Drew swims up and pushes a button on the sealing and the red lasers disappear*
"I've been here before."
"If I earthbend here, it's going to be a muddy mess...And I mean muddy."
"We should reach a door up here where we don't have to swim, and then we'll meet some guards."
"And we'll have to do it the old way, stealth, dang, I wanted the dramatic blow up the machine and run out while fending off guards."
*Nina smiles as she touches the machine. In just 1 minute the machine blows up. No one is damaged, nothing in the cave had a reaction. Just a big whole in the wall.*
"Or we could take this route. Oh, Water pressure. You got the big bang."
"Cool we get 2 go exploring again!"
*Joy smiles.*
"Hey Rith, you'd better now how to use your bow because the general of the army lives here."
*He takes out his bow*
"Oh, General? I'm liking this more and more. And don't worry about my skill with it."
"OK, I'm counting on you, this guys good."
"And how about you? You good enough with that mace of yours?"
"I can't miss with my mace."
"So whats new up your sleeve Rith. It sounds like you've improved with that bow of yours."
*Joy grins,*
"And I agree with Drew on his mace. It looks convincing."
*She shivers a little.*
"Here's the door were we don't have to swim. Lets go, its an air tight door, but i have the password."
"Alright, lets do it."
*He puts an arrow in his bow and pulls back*
*Nina looked at Drew. Impacient, she typed in the password and enters through.*
"Unfortunetly, your password would have not worked. Gorgod has assaigned a new one. Don't ask me how I know.
"Well then lets just smash the door."
*Drew takes his mace and slams it against the door*
*He sees a hundreds of drewers staring at them*
"Yea, not exactly the smartest thing to do dude."
"It's just mirrors. Find the real one."
*Joy looks around,*
*She feels the ground.*
"Get him!"
*He shoots his bow at the figure to find he shattered a mirror and sees the real one behind it*
"We've got you now bud."
*Joy smiles*
*He quickly reloads and shoots at it in the leg just to stop it*
"Alright, lets get this over with."
"Should we kill him, or get the password and then kill him, or just leave him be."
"I say we let him go after some info, we don't need a password to make the machine go boom, but we need info on where to go next."
"Or...We could get information and then kill him."
"You just had to say that didn't you!? Now he knows he's going to die and not give us any info."
"Oomph, make up your mind will ya!"
"Nina has the final say."
"I was using psychology on him to make him believe he still had a chance to live. But you screwed it up, fine, Nina, what's the ruling?"
*Nina laughs*
"I was only kidding. I can't get a laugh. I wouldn't be that heartless. Only when I'm mad."
"Alright bud,"
*He takes the drewer by the neck and squeezes a little*
"You're going to tell us what we want to know, or my hand may get tighter."
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Check out the guild! the first 1 is for the beginning. The second is the pg we r curently on.
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