Random Thoughts...
Okay...I am sooooooo freakin' bored right now it's not even funny...X_X;; I only created this journal because I have about nothing to do. Well I have my stories to write but...I have to force myself to do them...and I am a HORRIBLE procrastinator. sweatdrop I'm just lucky that I'm not one of those bitchy people who go around insulting people just because they have nothing better to do...and I don't go around cyber-raping people in the towns...and I don't do stupid crap...unlike some annoying people... stare Yes, I'm looking at you. You, if you do that kind of stuff. I mean seriously, come on...if you don't do this kind of stuff and would prefer spending your time actually talking to people in a nice, polite, non-traumatizing way, I congratulate you. Probably you've been terrorized more than once. So yeah...
Well, this pointless journal entry turned into a rant. >.>;; Well, anyway, people please don't flame me for posting this. Please don't hack me or something that will be equally annoying to me. This is just my opinion, and I'd like you to respect it. You don't have to care about it or pay attention, just don't get mad at me over it. It would be pretty pointless to do so. Thanks for reading if you did get all this way...for your amusement, I'm gonna post some random random picture I like...
 Everybody loves Neko-Hinata by Novanator. ©2007-2008 *Novanator
[img:f513ce09e6]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t298/dred479/Suck.jpg[/img:f513ce09e6] [i:f513ce09e6]Image courtesy of -Radiant-Abyss-[/i:f513ce09e6] Meow.