Anyway!On with teh story!
Narator: After there very uber meeting, Gramp ninja and Santa traveled together with two other retarded looking men!
Reindeer: -_-
Billy: ToT
Narator: Yep..those to hidious guys..Who are so ******** ugly they made the dinosaurs die out!They are so ******** ugly they.....
Reindeer: WE GET IT! scream
Billy: gonk
Narator: Gewd! 4laugh
Reindeer: Can we get on with it! >:/
Narator: Your so mean! T-T
Santa: Damn will you to b***h stfu!?!Gawd I'm trying to eat my damn cookies in peace! >:0
Me: -to TrxX13- I think this ish going along nicely!~ :3
TrxX13: ?:3
Narator: OMG! If we don't finish now we won't be able to watch Bakugion! O-O
Santa: OMFG No! D:
Narator: So we left off when....
Grampa ninja:Wtf care about the re cap's!?!!?
Narator: -sniff- Fine.... T3T
Narator: Grampa Ninja,Santa,Billy,And the Reindeer countinues to walk when after the third step Santa fainted of being so damn tired.
Santa: X_X
Grampa Ninja: This reminds me of Rival... T-T
Billy: Oh no not again! ToT
Reindeer: ..?
Santa: WHO THE HELL IS RIVAL?!?!!?!?
Grampa Ninja: Well Rival was super bad a**!Here's a picture when he was younger! :3
(Now if you Have ever read my brother main story [Grampa Ninja] You might have already seen this.. =D )

Santa:-crys in Rival's uberness- He's so damn awesome!
Grampa Ninja: -crying too- Damn right!
Narator: Santa and Grampa Ninja countinue to cry....
Reindeer: ....Billy....Your pretty strong for your age to keep a possitive attitude through their idiotict conversations...
Billy: Actually..I keep my feeling's locked up in side....It's not healthy but I know that one day it will kill me and hen I will finally be rid of my life...Sometimes I think about killing myself and burning and cutting...But then I cry becuase I know that it will never happen....I just wish someone would put an end to my pethedic life and then I cry myself to sleep at night while listening to the most awesome band alive....Death Goat....(Oh yeah!I added meh own band[in my dreams] into it! xD Death Goat shall pwn you all! >:3 )
Reindeer: Um thanks for sharing that! sweatdrop
Reindeer: OO'
Me: Well...that's all...for now! >:3 Part Nine coming soon!~ ^o^
Grampa Ninja:



Reindeer Assassin:

Community Member
(ill do it for you -_-)