Dearly Beloved,
you know its hard to understand why,
but i've noticed a few people come to me asking
me what true love is. I hardly know myself, but
i have an idea of how to describe it thanks to Kane.
Some people tell me he just seems, well not right
for me; they say he makes them uneasy. I understand
most of their words are just ways they are trying to tel
l me they care for my well being, but when kane is around,
all hardships in my life and mind seem to lift. that's is my
opinion of what true love is, it is when you feel an
everlasting bond with someone, when no matter
how bad your day is, how sad you are, they are
there to brighten it for you. True lover's are pretty
much the same thing as a best friend, But there
is a bond between lovers deeper than friendship,
i think that's what those of us who fear rejection,
or find ourselves alone don't understand. We will
always in human nature wait for the person we
see as right for us, but sometimes the one you are
destined for is nothing like what you expected.
You could have very little in comment and argue a
lot, yet you understand one another and how to calm
or comfort your significant other. Or you could be
completely alike, and be lovers and best of friends
forever; that's how i view my relationship, though
Kane and i have some disagreements(A few on silent hill.).
I think of all i've been through, and i realize i have seen
so much examples of true love;
I helped two friends(Time Mistress & Lance O_o) get together
without even trying, all i knew was that they both felt great
feelings of love for one another. But something that brought
them together, originally hurt one of them, And for some
reason the fact i comforted her it helped them get together,
i felt so happy that i had helped them. They make a wonderful
couple, they have their little disputes i know such as lance
making a comment and gaining a glare or two,
they get along so well. If you saw them you
might think they where married. They are
a shining example of true love, The bond
between souls who care more than anything
for one another and can understand each
other better than anyone else. This is the bond we
all share with the person we love, for me that person
is Kane. He makes me feel like i am the most special
person in the world, i do my best to return his favor
and i think i succeed but i feel i could do better.
heheheh. Yet i know that just being around one
another is just enough for any lover, it is for us.
I know some of you out there always think to yourself,
Whats The point of Love? You'll just end up being hurt
in the end. I know how it feels trust me i've been there
several times. If you think its hard to find love, stop looking
do as i did and wait for the person you love to come to you.
I used to think i had to find my lover, i always had too, but then
one day i spoke with Kane in a forum on gaia, He understood
me very well, and the funny thing is back when we met,
I felt a pain in my heart, i thought it was telling me to avoid him
But later i realized, That it was a good pain trying to tell me"He's
The One, Don't let this opportunity pass you"
If i recall correctly when i comforted time she
told me a similar story of how she felt of lance,
at the time i felt so bad,
she had found her someone but it hurt her
so badly. When they got together
that made me very
happy, they make love look easy.
I'm sure if you look at any couple,
or ask them, it will look and they will
tell you it is easy

Goodbye Just For Now,