Only got to use one, but they should be a pair. Bites.
Username: Reva Clover
Character Name: Alberic
Age: 19
Alliance: The Benereth's
Position: First Mate
Weapons: A sword, a pistol, and water magic.
Bio: At a very young age his wealthy family was slaughtered before his eyes. He was forced to live on the streets and was lucky enough to be found by an amiable band of thieves who took him. He was haunted by memories less as years went by, distracted by his fellow thief who was around his age. They were more or less friends, but bashed heads more often than not. One day, however, Alberic was caught when he tried to rob a merchant ship. It set sail before he could escape and he was found out, a prisoner until they reached the next port. The ship was attacked, however, and Alberic took advantage of the situation, cutting loose the ropes and joining the fray. The pirates offered him a place in their crew, and he accepted.
Over the years, the small spark he had maintained after his family's death barely flickers. He has little compassion and no ambition. He'll kill without hesitation and has a reputation for even attacking crewmates.

Other: He lost his left eye when he killed the captain some time after the attack on the merchant ship. He was acknowledged as captain after that, but he disappeared six months after.
Username: Reva Clover
Character Name: Volkan
Age: 18
Alliance: Houko Ryoushi
Position: Hell's Fire Crew
Weapons: Sword, many hidden daggers, a pistol (but he's a terrible shot), and fire magic.
Bio: A lucky orphan who was raised by a friendly gang of thieves. When an orphaned boy was taken in by them, he pestered the reclusive boy until they somehow became rivals aiming to better the other in whatever way they could think of. When he was a teenager his friend disappeared. He heard rumors that he had boarded a ship and that said ship was attacked by pirates. All signs point to his rival's death, but Volkan believes the man is still out there somewhere. He joined up with Hell's Fire as a matter of convenience, hoping to find his old friend along the way. He has no loyalty to any side, though he was saddened to hear that the great pirate king had fallen.

Other: He has a monkey named Al.
Eli is a bit of an inside joke. Between me and myself.
User Name: Reva Clover
Name: Eli Lee Callaghan
Age: 24
Appearance: You cannot fly, idiot.
Why you’re in here: Attempted suicide. Rather, thinking he could fly.
Bio: He was born into a wealthy family and raised in a strict environment. His parents brought him up to be a doctor. His entire life was put toward that goal. Eli can't recall ever having his own desires, but he may have had some in his childhood. He has never had a say in his future, and as an adult he doesn't have anything else he would aim for. Despite that oddity, he'd be a rather sane person if not for the other personality. Unlike the normal Eli, this one is kind and caring. And he thinks he's an angel. With wings. After a few incidents and a close call he's being sent to get professional help.
Personality: He's stoic and detached. He acts coldly to others and doesn't particularly care about much. He's practical, unlike the other Eli. He doesn't believe in angels or ghosts, for example.
What are your abnormalities/issues: Split personality, other self believes he can fly.
Floor on: 13
Other: Eli is a bit embarrassed about his other self, but wouldn't admit it. In fact, he tries to deny its very existence.
So much potential. Yet again, not one appearance. Jeebus, this profile skeleton was a mess. I'd like to modify him just a bit and get to know him better.
Hello, my name is Loki. When I looked in the mirror I see..

I blew out.. ??? candles. Most people think I'm..INSANE. I Live in..Future. My sercret identity..A secret. What is my past?..Little is known about him, but he escaped from high security prison. He's currently on the run. For the love of god, don't give him a time machine. I have the power to..Superior strength, speed, senses. I like..Whatever interests him. I have a crush on..No one. But I am just a puppet. My real master is Reva Clover.