Hmmm........2 quizzes said I was water, but this one says I am earth.....

You are are stable and practical, and sometimes thought of as stubborn. You can have trouble with non-tangible ideas.
Ehkowuhehwhshdojaeifdnfdthdifodhg!!!!! My fourth quiz!!!
I got earth a second time!!!!!

You are Earth!Your a type of person who haves sense of humor,who gets funny at times, but dont take things quite serious.Try not to take things seriosuly and try to take it as a joke.Hahaha <--- Like that biggrin
Dfjiodfhaeoifhadifjioej!! I got water a third time. Okay, so far: Water-3 Earth-2.

Your water. Calm, cool,kind till some pisses you off. Your very good when it comes to advice. Haveing a good time is right up your alley too. Some people call you odd because you know when to shut your moth and be quite. You can also speak your mind when you see point in it.
Color: Blue/purple
Power: Control of water
OOh! Now, water has the score up to 4!!!

You are water. Always near a form of water (ice, salt water, etc.) You love the warmth, and are very cheerful.
Water scores 5!!!!

Your element is water. You have a calm personality, but people can get on your nerves easily. You have a talent in the arts, and you don't much like science or math. (but i could be wrong) You like swimming, (ofcourse) but arn't very good at sports. You have an attachment to the moon, or the sky. You work well around people. Thanks for taking the quiz!
Color-Any color blue
Animal-Mermaid/Sea monster
Color-Blue, or clear
The crazy thing is that I can't even swim........ oh well! Score so far: Water:5 Earth:2. OOps... make that Water:6.

You are water you tend to be moody. You're usually calm, but you can get mad really easily. You're a little odd.
And one light.....

Adhekodhleohdfljhe! More water results!

you are water-
waters tend to be very spiritual, and have many talents, in dance and musical things.
your partner:ghost
OOoooohh.....that's all for now. I'm mostly water, partly earth, with a little light so far....