I was a dark and stormy night in new york. it was around march 13, 1983. it was a dark time for the Turners. There were four Fred, Ashley, Andrew and Sarah Turner. Fred was a skinny and weak person, he had brown hair and blue eyes. Ashley ,his wife, was very beautiful, se was blessed with the features of a goddess, she had blond hair, but it was a shade of gold that no other woman had and she had green eyes. She was the most beautiful in the world but her way of life took it away ,rags for clothes, nappy hair. Covering her whole face. Andrew was very athletic he was very heathly he had brown hair and green eyes. Sarah looked almost exactly like her mother but with the body of her father. There ages were 34, 31, 13 and 3. Times were bad for the Turners. No matter what they did nothing seemed to get better. Every thing that they got that was good was taken away just as quick as they got it. but they unprepared for there greatist loss of all there very lives.
"KNOCK KNOCK",The man said,"RENT?"
"i'll be right there",Fred replied
The man yelled,"DAMN IT TURNER! You,ve held this off long enough!"
Fred answered the door. "hello Nathan, we just need a little more time"
"No, it's ether you have my money or you dont"
"We dont have it"
"Then pack your things and get out!"
All the turners had was a single suit case with blankets and rations. Nathan walked them to the door and took the little money they had. He told them they are in debt and they need to pay back the money they owe.
The Turners looked for a safe place the sleep for the night. It was already dark out. Eventually, they found a allyway with a small abandoned storage house. It was large enough to fit them all. They were all out of food and no money to buy more. Andrew suggested that he should go to look for food. Little did he know that the scavage would change his and his family's lives.
As Andrew walked from trash canhe found no food of any sort, so he had an idea that if maybe if he found items of value he would be able to pawn them for money. After minuites of searching, he found some old guitar strings and plastic ring. He was very disipointed with what he found. He decided to look one more time he noticed a strange shine in a dark allyway. He went to see what it was it was surrounded by some metal. He stuck his hand inside a hole he found in the metal. He grabbed some strange plant like substance and pulled it out. He noticed the the plant leaf turned gold. As he turned it around he noticed the was droplets of blood.His grief turned to joy when he noticied that the leaf was solid gold.
part 1 end please comment if you like it if you do ill write the end of it
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inside of xXHatred_ReincarnateXx's head
somtime some of my short stories and maybe sometimes part of my book that i wrote
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"live by fear die in vain, live by truth have no shame" - myself