{ ok so today i got a PM saying i had to pay a fee of freakin 10k just becuase my signature byte size was to big! i payed 100G & 1k but 10k! i mean come on! i was not aware of this so i replied!
Teh Alexis
Teh Alexis
i'am sorry but do i have to pay 10k for the fee because i thought that when i deleted a image of my signature the byte size was lower then 100,000 im sorry but i can't afford to spend that much is there a way to know how much bytes my signature is so i know next time?
You will have to pay the fee in order to have your signature back, yes. The image that got your signature disabled was 615.97 KB (630755 bytes) in size. You can check this size in the future by right clicking on the image you are planning on using and selecting properties. If it is over 100,000 bytes in size, you will have to re-size it or not use it.
i am sorry but i do not want to pay it! i was told by a friend that all i needed to do was delete one of my pics on my signature & i don't have to pay anything any more but what i didn't know was that the size of my leftover pic was over 100,000 is there anything i or you can do to stop me from paying the fee?
And I am sorry, but if you do not pay the fee, your signature will remain disabled. Your signature has been disabled a total of four times now, all for this same image, over the course of about 5 days. There are guidelines in the account options for when you go to edit your signature as follows:
Signature rules:
* less than 500 pixels in size in both width and height. * total byte-size of less than 100,000 bytes. * 255 character limit for signature text * 255 character limit for url length (anything in between tags)
It is your responsibility to make sure that your signature follows those guidelines when you set it up. If not, you are at risk of having it disabled, and the fee increases each time.
i think that this is unfair since well i asked my friend & he told me that since i had 2 images in my signature that i should delete one to reduce the size! so i did but what id didn't know that my left over image is over the limit & since there is know way for me to figure out how much byte's my image is i just left it since well its only one image & since im not a computer genuis i though "erm hey! it's one image how much Bytes can it have!
so there it is! what do you think? also donate please? 0k/10k}