All right so over the weekend my dad hired some people to edge the lawn while my mom and I took the dogs to have their nails clipped. So while we were out my father calls and says that they'll also weed the flower beds, which is good for me because I usually end up with that job so we said, "Yeah that's cool." When we came home we found that they had tilled the soil to pull out and shred all the weeds. Well being a flower bed they also managed to pull out and shred all of our plants. I was pissed. The beautiful snap dragons that I had slaved over for three years were beyond destroyed. Then my dad comes out and says,"Doesn't it look great?" I snarled at him and mom forced him to buy us new plants. Unfortunately for my father snap dragons aren't in season. So now I have an empty spot where they should be and quite frequently give him dirty looks about it.
~See Yah!
lorieden Community Member |
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